Haunted Island: episode 3

Game rating 84.70%
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Comments 190

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Comments (190)

  • avatar

    I admit I didn`t get to the very end of this yet, but one complaint I have is that if you try the mini games more than once, they don`t quite reset. I got stuck in the car with it getting blown up by a geyser even though none was showing. Finally had to skip it. Still I liked the story line and the overall game has potential, but needs just a little more quality control.

  • avatar

    it is not that the game has no quality control (I find that offensive). It is that the game may not work properly on some systems. Browsers are different, operating systems are different, there`s a million different plugins that could effect a game like this. Fact is I can`t fix if I can`t replicate the error – game works 100% fine for me on the systems I can test. It`s just me, I don`t have a team of developers or a budget to afford a device rack. If it doesn`t work for you contact me on my forum me and I will try and fix. Don`t moan that a free game has no quality control ffs.

  • avatar

    EscapeEvade has been reinstated on the forum.

  • avatar

    Pretty creepy concept, but it comes together relatively well

  • avatar

    animation and graphic a bit old
    but nice plot and story
    keep it up

  • avatar

    Arnii, thanks! Just signed up with the name you suggested.

  • avatar

    EscapeEvade – create a new account called EscapeEvadeNew, I will then replace your old account with this new one. Don`t worry about giving a valid email, I will use the email you originally signed up with.

    This happened because of a faulty plugin for the forum.

  • avatar

    Hey arnii, I`ve been trying to get into the forums for awhile. I hadn`t logged in for a few weeks, and now when I try to log in, I can`t. It just takes me to a blank screen. Guess I`ll have to make a new account? My screen name on your forums is the same as here.

    I finally got around to playing Episode 3. Really enjoyed it. Is Amy a lawyer, then?

  • avatar

    MasterPlg – thanks for the praise, it took a long time to make. Condemning my eternal soul to endless and nuanced suffering is less appreciated.

  • avatar

    marvelous chapter… but there should be special place in hell for that guy wich develop so buggy “fill heart” mechanic.

  • avatar

    swedenboy – join the forum at arniigames.eu for technical support.

  • avatar

    I cant get past the first sex scene ? Anyone who can help ?

  • avatar

    great game i like it a lot, should be more of this type

  • avatar

    Hot and Funny Game, I really like it

  • avatar

    Not a bad game, liked the others a bit better, worth playing though!

  • avatar

    game is not loading for me….. while im loading it shows me a symbol of joystick 🙁 wat shld i need to do for tis???!!

  • avatar

    Can`t go any slow for the opening scene . keeps failing .

  • avatar

    Nice game with great sex scenes.

  • avatar

    Nice game! I think it has to work faster tho: Overall – GJ

  • avatar

    Cool games, I have played part 1,2 too and I like them 😀

  • avatar

    Good game, but the animation is a bit tricky. I like the idea, I hope there will be more

  • avatar

    I can`t play, because loadind don`t start

  • avatar

    Good story and graphics. The one thing that I didn`t like was that I had to concentrate on the heart and couldn`t fully enjoy the animation.

  • avatar

    great game, but stuck at the car game, at the end have to skip this part…

  • avatar

    Ahhh, what`s up with this car game? It started off easy and then at the checkpoint I keep on getting stuck on the first geiser, car blows up even when there`s no more water.

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