Haunted Island: episode 3
Game rating
Comments (190)
some bugs
ep3 is the best
I like this collection. The third part was a lot of fun.
Great collection, very good third part.!
Graphic is not that good for me, but ok gameplay
great story
Fun but has it’s share of bugs.
Great story line … lots of fun
ok graphics
still too cheap graphics imo ! 🙂
aint afraid of no ghost
very fun characters
this game is so good and has three awesome parts
I like very much those characters.
it’s had some bugs
Shame about the length of the game but decent nonetheless!
samefor this plugin not workin
Great game, good graphics and story. Too bad it ends here, would have loved more of it.
very nicely done, could of been longer but a lot of fun
Eh, not a bad story but theres much better looking games on this site. This ones worth having a look though.
Amazing series didn’t realize they had made more i got to tell you this is the best part
Love it. Really good fun
Love all the Haunted Island games: great story, nice graphics, great experience.
I liked the Haunted Island games. Not bad.
Not a bad continuation of the second part
Anyone know how to get past the car scene
Good game with hot girls
I enjoyed this game…all 3 chapters!
So hot
Good game with nice graphics and gorgeous girls.
Good graphics good story i enjoyed it
The series is very interesting, but the complaints I have:rn1- If you try the mini-games more than once, they will not be restarted,rn2- The black screen bug needs to be solved because it takes away the patience and pleasure of playing,rn3- The language option “Spanish” that was present in the previous episodes was missing.rnStill, I liked the storyline and the game overall has potential, but it needs a bit more quality control.
rnthe 3 episodes of haunted island does not work anymore I find a page marking error object object
this game have a nice graphic
One of the best game ive seen on this page AWESOME!!
liked it, such nice stories
Unhealthy game, hot chickens and thanks
i played all three back to back and they were gtreat as a story and graphics were very good too
lets see how this game goes
Enjoyed the game, but it won`t continue to the car scene.