Whakawai: Spotlights 1
Game rating
Comments (89)
nice game and good graphic
good game, good story. thnx pf1
good game, but its kinda difficult to find hot spots
just type camera for hints real good game
good game play and nice hot girls
This is a great game… and i like it very much…
man this kind of games sucks
Gr8 game what to do after having sex sitting on crouch???
I didn`t like the “slowly shake the mouse bits”
good game awesome graphics
CAMERA is the KEY word here !! 🙂
always great game shark-lagoon
Great game! played at sharks a couple months ago. Certainly worth doing again.
what are you supposed to do with guy and girl on beach after she mentions the actress? like game but stuck right here
good game worth replYING
I like the game so far, but I`m stuck on the part right after the girl wants to get back at her ex-boyfriend on the movie set. I can`t get past the couple laying on the beach.
awsome graphics for an online game
great game… The graphics can be improved can be difficult
Takes a lot of clicking to find the right spot 🙂 bit like sex really LOL. Graphics are not the best but the game still sucked me in.
Nice game, but sometimes hard to play
this game is pleasant, as usual
Great game… The graphics can be improoved but I don`t care becouse the gameplay is great.
If anyone is having trouble with the game try typing in the word “camera”. Hope this helps!
shark-lagoon nice game.
nice story with alternativ endings & good sex-scenes
5 star game!!!! Can`t get enought of it!!!
Great game as always.
Nice theme!
I´m up for part two.
Difficult but manageable if you are used to the format. Good that it isn`t too easy, this is excellent
Very nice game, the graphics are too low quality, but the history are hot
great game nice graphics good story
nice game just like whakawai ok graphics
Another one of sharks very good games. keeps your attention, very erotic, challenging.
good game…nice graphics
very nice game. these games seem to get better and better. Each one seems to improve over the previous. i like the the game controls… difficult but not impossible!
Nice looking new game, liked it.
gameplay, graphic, animation are good
nice game just like whakawai ok graphics
Nice game. Ends bit oddly. But usual sharks-lagoon quality.
a bit hard to play and lot of places to get stuck but still very entertaining with probably nice graphics
another sharks awesome game…good graphics and gameplay.
way too complex with the clickin
nice game just like whakawai ok graphics
It was alright, but there was too much clicking and lost interest quickly.
Good game. The graphics get better every time
too complicated ….. can get furthher after lifting bottom her dress
very good game, love the different endings
Drove me nuts trying to find the hot zones.
I like this game`s graphic
cool game. imma fuck dah next hoe i see
great game…always look forward to lagoon games