Whakawai Part 1
Game rating
Comments (396)
Nice game, great graphics!
Great Animations! fun game!
Great graphics, great animation, i love lagoon games…
They make good games, but imo they make them too complikated. And as far as i noticed not much help in any hints. I end up getting stuck on the boat as i can`t find a way that she don`t like them too much and i loose.
Great graphics, great animation, i love lagoon games
good music and good characters
the graphics of this game could be more better.
A bit confusing to play, but otherwise I liked it
Okay graphics and the plot is nice. Okay overall
great game but a little boring …………sometimes i couldnt understand how to play
i dont understand how to play it. cant even start with the first step
Its alright , could be better , graphics could also be improved
Nice gameplay! Need a little work on the nude scene though!
the graphics of this game could be more better
the same of all the other shark game
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm very hot….enjoyed this one a lot…..
Ä?t is absolutely a bad game
nothing to do and bad gameplay
Nice scenery and music, tricky game but Hiro will stand by her
These games are simply the best. Complicated but I guess that`s the fun part. That `HIRO` is really helpful. How can we get the good ending. I keep getting the wrong one but will keep trying. Can anyone offer some insight?
Game is cool but graphics should be a little bit better!
love this game adding it to fav
another great game from shark.
good game but i keep getting the same outcome i failed
really thankful for the hints! Without typing HIRO now and then I would not get through this game!
nothing can do after rubbing her shoulder…pls help.
great game can`t wait for the next episode
Got stuck on the boat scene but I did still like this one – had a better feel than part 2
A very good game, but same as Part2 I only get to bad end.
Can anyone help me again?
I`m stuck way in the beginning, like when you can kinda see her nipple
…good game,could use improvement on graphich though…and yes for those of you who are stuck in game type “hiro” for hint…
Nice game, but the ending is disappointing, maybe part 2 will be better
good game with great graphics, i loved it
Stuck on the boat scene with the 2 girls. How do you get pass the part after the bruentte touches her boobs & her tits? I type “hiro” cause some have said that shows you what to do next but that offeed me no help at all.
Can someone please tell me how to get past that part?
Anyone can share some tips? This game is starting to get on my nerve.
stuck on boat scene as well. Ahoroa putting suncream on Maureens back, if i let Rebecca
touches Ahoroas buttocks i`m loosing the came because the girls seducing Ahoroa.
Please help
I`ve played this game on sharks lagoon. It`s fun but I`m not a fan of the ending. I can`t wait for a kiesha game to come out.
Das spiel ist echt geil,wie alle von shark lagoon
great game can`t wait for the next episode
great game, can`t wait for part II
Yes : need better quailty picture
Thanks to whoever posted the HIRO hint, saved me alot of time fumbling around.
I really enjoyed this game. would like to see a 3rd made.
interesting story but it needs a help button
I lov sharks game, not easy, good story, i love !
Always like Shark`s games. Sometimes, though, they`re a bit difficult to figure out, like what to do next. Glad to see there`s a help word you can use in this one.
Could use a better graphic. Overall good gameplay
Can`t wait for the next part…
if you keep getting stuck type hiro
cant get past the first boat scene when two girls sitting there
Great game I highly recommended it!
Different game somewhat complicated. the animation seems a bit dated, but its a lot of fun!