Wendy birthday party EP2
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Comments (69)
great game. no doubt it. i loved this game.
I liked this game. Quite tricky to find the hotspots sometimes though. Try gift.
great game i love the game
always difficult to play keep trying if you wanna know a good endung
great game as usual shark. very awesome
the game was great but just a little jumpy
The “Lagoon” games have the best stories and game play. I hope they will continuing making games for a long time !!!
Im stuck on parts. please help me
I really enjoy this game ……..
wonderful game. one of the best from sharks lagoon.
all “Wendy” games are worth time to play…the graphics and animation are top notch!!
difficult game but worth it in the end
how to play this game. its so hard to find clue n what must to do.
Thriller to mutch . 2 girl lover
All it`s letting me do is rub her shoulders. What do I do next?
Great game . Great graphics .
Good game and nice graphics
foarte bun joc si are o grafica excelenta
this game was kinda fun but i couldn`t figure out to play it oh well
Amazing game!!! Great Quality of Graphics
it is a good game with ok graphics
This game is pretty hot even it it takes a while to play it
this part is also very execellet same as first part
This game was ok, didn`t care for the graphics so I didn`t get that far.
Not the best graphics I have seen. Ok game
I really liked this game lots of action
once I got the hang of it I totally junky`d on it
Cant figure out how to play oh well
I love these games so simple yet hard combined.
Great game Really awesome!
I love these games. Lots of fun, but are very slow. Wish I could save in the middle of it
Pleasant, late games fun and nice drawing
as good if not better then the first part
unnessecerily tricky games fun if you have a bit of time to spare but fun none the less.
this game is hard i don`t like the graphics.
again a nice game its funny and hot
just like the first one, i get so far and then i get caught kissing in the hallway and i have to restart
I always have been a fan of these games! multiple endings really hot scenes and great graphics!
A very good game, but if you don`t look for the clues is so complicated.
Stuck at the part where im massaging her boobs and it just wont go up all the way, help.
Great game, I can never get enough of these.
Part 2 alot better then part 1 good game
as good as port 1 possibly a little hotter
i really like this type of game
Well i personally didn`t liked this one but hey, that`s just me
graphic`s better then the first part, game play a lot better in this part then the first. as always a good story line. keep it going.
just got through it, need some more
The ending and concept of how the story was the prime concentration is what makes this game very entertaining. well played!
good game with good gameplay and graphics
This game was great! I loved it and it was pretty easy to complete I only got caught twice.
The first, when you are asking Ellis to help cloe, don`t click him, click Kenny.
Then secondly, I saw people got stuck at the pool, don`t just put it in her ass right away, click kenny`s hand 😉
After that, you can`t possibly get caught ^^
Exellent game, great ending of the series. Give me more of this sort. HOT