Venona Project: Episode 2
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Comments (144)
This is a tough game… Too much walking aroudn and not doing anythign
Crazy aliens! The hints in this forum are invaluable.
this is great. not sure the two types of style meld. but great atmosphere and writing
Greatvgame, foun 2 endings
okay people i found two endings but where is the third when the alien escapes someone tell me what do i have to talk about to get that ending
played ep 1…got excited ..
played ep 2… jumped off the bed…..
waiting for ep 3…. dreaming about it….
great game and a perfect project…
interesting story and some nice graphics
A HUGE inprovement of the first one and has leveled up to my expectations. I can`t wait for the 3rd episode to come out
i loved this game, so amazing, cool
HmmmXxxxxx Nice Graphicx Great game
Very good game. A bit more erotic scenes znd it would be better.
Very nice story also
Finally, the second episode. When is 3 coming out?
I got stuck on the breast, but the graphics are good, will play again soon
Very cool game , waiting vor the next part
Nice graphics, sweet storyline. Too bad the music isn`t present
good game…..but a little slow….could be more interesting…..
can`t wait for the next pert
Very nice game , that girl was amazing ;D cant wait for Episode 3 , hope its gonna release , i never got past the red card place tho :S
Just cant seem to get passed f`s boobs:(
okay it`s already 2011 and the release date for the third episode of this game is the fall of 2010. where the hell is the next for crying out loud? oh and by the way you save no time what-so-ever by typing 2K10 instead of 2010.
How do you get the red card?
one of the most nice game i played in this site…..
very interesting game, like a thriller with erotic applications.
I love this game.Its one of my favorites.
more sex scene please…
it`s difficult in F`s boobs especially when 1/10 gauge left to fill 🙁
ok you got me hooked now ,, hurry with next one…
great game cant wait for the next one
ood game, very curious for the final part
I love these games on the site :). They keep you interested in the story and have fun at the same time 😉
This game has an interesting concept, can`t wait to see more.
Great Game Cannot wait for Ep. 3
I kept getting stuck at the boob licking scene with Agent F.
Great game..! played it like 4 times
great games! hope more keep coming. it takes time to complete.
kinda interesting still weird tho
this was a great game. good graphics, nice stroy and the girl is so hot.
good game, very qurious for the final part
simply amazing. The story the gameplay, the graphics are all just fantastic.
great story and great graphics!+100
i don`t undenstand whow to play in first sciene ((((
What i need to do?
Perfect girls, good storyline
I like this game but it would lot better with sound
really cool game i really liked the storyline
I love games on playforceone their so enjoyable
It is a great game, but I liked the first one better… any idea when the next sequel is comming out?
I think it was a bitlong with all the walking back and forth. but nice graphics as usual
Good graphics and a bit boring
realy hot girls but modd in game is bad
Great stuff and hugely atmoshpheric – the bit stimulating the nipples was very frustrating! Look forward to p3
I love games on playforceone their so enjoyable