Venona Project: Episode 2
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Comments (144)
Sweetness! Gotta love Venona, can`t wait for the next in the series to come out 🙂
I love this series it is the best
Too many walking around !!! I`d prefer more sex scenes instead of getting some screwdrivers or soething. For that purpose there is a plenty of other games existing !!!
great game, good plot, sexy women
very good game, good plot.
sighs~ this game is much more difficult than it should be. It`s too hard to complete the tasks at some points, for instance the breast play with Fran, to the person before me, it`s not a browser problem, it`s just that you have to do it a certain way in order for it to work. I actually just gave up once I started dealing with agent R, it`s just not worth it to me to get this frustrated over a game.
This was a bit weird and takes some time. In addition Little affair with fran never ends. It may be a browser problem too but needs to be checked out. Anyway thanks again.
This game is boring, not fast, not easy, girls not beautiful;… I don`t like
threesome needed plz help with walkthrough!
great series and sexy girls i love it
need more action but overall good game
is till cant figure out how to knock out that huge guy, but good game still
More sex scenes. The game is interesting but not enough in there to play more than once…
i really like this game but there arent enough boobies
These games still seem kinda wacky. Hard to have fun.
Are there any ending scenes, or do you have to wait for all of the series to be out?
I hope it will be a third episode `cause first 2 are quite boring… we need more “action”
best game ever best storie and also the charakters love it
It`s OK, but I don`t arrive to an other sex scene than with the agent..
This game was pretty enjoyable.
The last ending is (spoilers) getting shot by Agent R.
Tedious with slow mouse sync
I really enjoyed the plot twists in this game.Music and sound would have made it better.
Sound or music will make this much better. Maybe even combining episodes 1 and 2 considering how short episode 1 is. Great game and Plot twist though.
this game is awesome loved the first scene with agent F.
too slow, not as interesting as part 1
this game is kinda boring…
its a good game, but no sounds at least,
i love it the sex in this game but i cant waitt for more of the story but maybe u can fuck the first girl
Couldn`t quite figure out how to get the “Alien escapes” ending, but fun game nonetheless.
Definitly an improvement over the first one, if for no other reason than just the simplified walking interface
Its a pretty fucking sweet game to play and to see nice things on
Good game, but a little boring…
that`s very cool games…so nice!!!
wow is an intresting game, but the graphics are poor
It was okay. There was only one good scene and a lot of walking back and forth.
Good game with interesting dialog… but only one sex scene. i wish the 3rd episode….
Cool game cant wait for part .
good game until I got stuck while kissing Francesca`s beautuiful breasts. Not a bad place to get stuck, though.
Pretty good, gameplay was great, and the graphics was awesome. Got stuck at the part where I had to attack Roderick for a long time.
it;s an interesting game
liked the game…cant wait to see the next installment
Go to the toilet in your cell and get the pipe to knock him out. Part 3 should be interesting
Great game, looking forward to new episodes.
Love the story and gameplay in this one, cant wait for the next ep!
Stuck trying to attack agent R. Was I supposed to get something before I left the jail cell after Fran and I have sex?
I really enjoyed playing. Can`t wait for the next episode.
the sex scene is way awesome!
Not bad, looking forward to part 3 to see how it finishes out.
fiber you just go to your cell and go to the toilet and take the pipe.
overall its not a bad game could have more sex etc but the story was good and i feel there is too much walking