Venona Project: Episode 2
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Comments (144)
it was a great game can`t wait for the next one
Great game from what i`ve played of it,but i got stuck on the part where you had to attack the agent as well :/
good game, I`m look for word for more, like a series
Sorry for the stupid question but stuck on the breasts part of talking to the agent, got the bar up to the last few inches but can`t get it to go any higher. Any help?
Better then first game in movement, like that the erotic scenes are more varied so far.
good game, but more sex scenes are missing
Great game love the old school top view side screenin
I can`t fill the bar when playing with her boobs
Good, first episode was better. More nudity would be highly appreciated. The outcome of this one was a bit disappointing (but that depended on my own choices, I guess).
In a comment on episode 1, I mentioned some additional tips/hints to increase the `excitement levels`. This episode took care of that. Hats off!
Great game but not as good as episode one.
Nice game, but it needs more nudity. In the end, Fran could have convinced him by showing her ass, without tattoo.
good enough game,i like that
Very wierd, quite boring.
i dont think that this is a very good game i prefer jordan 500 and such this is to wierd an not enough sex in the game
Venona Project is one of this games that i will call rather erotic – not pornographic. Graphic is nice
and holds a modern level, but as my perdecessors said, females can be build a bit better. The most
innovative is the convention. It is not a typical “heart hunting” game or other m`n`f. That reminds me
rather an old school adventure games like polish Teenagent or Prisoner of Ice. Because of interesting
plot it is an excelent proposition for these people, who want something more than pure sex. I hope that it could develop in some kind of series, something like a story – like this about Kelly, for with part I
am waiting impatiently.
Only dissonance is in the Venona organization – the real one indeed was created during II World War, but they were code-breakers, mathematicians – so scientists. In game we have something like Men in Blace or other Covert Ops. But maybe the creators thought that a FBI section for mysterious cases would be too hackneyed 🙂
– Walking back and forth is not fun!
Walkthrough: (SPOILER WARNING)
1. Talk to julia about escape
2. Try to open the door
3. Go left/down/left/up
4. Talk to F. about kidnapping and continue that conversation
5. Return to your cell
6. Talk to Francesca (optional: have some fun 😉 just follow the instructions with some patience)
7. Examine toilet
8. Remove pipe off toilet
9. Return to surveillance room, distract R.
10. Take down R. at the vent
11. Examine his body
12. Find F. north of your cell
13. Find the sensor in the disabled elevator behind the surveillance room
14. Cut the right cable at the fuse box north of your cell
15. Talk to Evelyn
16. Try to find a code at the workstation in the surveillance room
17. Look for a code in the bin
18. Return to Evelyn
19. Enter the code
20. Choices in the final conversation are up to you =)
Unfortunately, the second chapter again stays behind other LOP games. However, it`s definitely still one of the better games of the genre. My thumbs up/down:
+ improved movement control
+ really interesting story
~ Nice graphics, but a little overdid the females. They look more like dolls than people, which hampers sex appeal.
– The extraordinarily dumb Kyle is getting on my nerves.
– I really miss an “Ok I`m convinced”-like answer option near the end. (Though maybe that`s just a flavour of the previous remark. After all, narrow-minded people tend to freak out more easily :P)
nice game, but i would like more nudity and music
This is a greast game and I can`t wait for the 3rd part to come out
good game, would be better if it had music
overall brilliant game, just needs bgm music and sound effects
the venona project 1 is boring but this project 2 make me realise how fun it was!
realy good game but could use some sounds and music
I liked it but the part at the end for when you listen to the agents i was like HA my charecter fked an alien.
Good game
I love the way the story`s unfolding. I can`t wait for Episode 3. Great game play too.
I am expecting some lesbian scenes of Francesca in the next episode. That will be funny and exciting.
Nice game, but all that mouse wiggling. Ugh. There HAS to be a better way!
Nice graphics, as always, but too much walking without action. A shooting minigame or maybe a QTE would`ve been great.
I am stuck on getting the red key card. is a wep i have to get or something
The character wouldnt move after i talked to the women agent
it`s an alright game i guess
I Am Stuck in The Prison Cell with Agent F. Please Help Me
The puzzles in this game are not hard if you just think them through.
Outstanding story. That`s certainly the best part. Definitely needs more sex. Some sound effects and a bit of music would go a long way here. Interactive interface during sex leaves a lot to be desired. Not easy at all. But a great story, I`m intrigued. Can`t wait until the 3rd episode.
Hi How can i activate the elevator?
its not an eroticgame. its more an advanture, but thats cool!!!
i stuck in this game. where i have to go if i like to shut down the security area?
The control has been much improved in comparison with the episode 1. As an erotic game (isn`t it?), some more `hot` scenes may be required, for example, a real fuck with Evelyn.
A bit slow due to all the walking around. But I really enjoyed F`s boobs 😀
Game locks up on me after talking to Agent F. First one was pretty good so wish I could play this all the way through.
nice game~
here some tips
pipe at the toilet bowl
sensor at the elevator
code at the bustbin
its a nice looking game…need more control of the sex scenes
Very good game. Can`t wait for the next 1 2 come out
great graphics, i would like more hot scenes, besides that is great
great qualtiy, but need music
nice game cabt wait for the next episode ;D
So interesting that the firs episode. Sames beautiful graphics, more mystery and different ends. But not suffisaly sex scenes and not sound. But a very good game.
i think it is a very good game becoz. i love it
Utterly stuck on F`s boobs. Nothing I try works, including the suggestions below. I don`t mind having to work to get to the next stage, but this one is too much.
very nice game i like it and play again and again
nice gameplay, although a little slow getting to and fro. just not enough decision making, you`re basically having to follow instructions the whole time. any less and it would be a pointless `click and watch` game.