Venona Project: Episode 2
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Comments (144)
So what ever happened to part 3?
amazing game great quality and sexy endings
nice episodes i enjoyed a lot….
game is pretty good but it could use some music or a couple sound effects at least. I`m curious to see how it`s going to end in the next one
i like this kind of games
Yes, definitely an addicting game, I also have had trouble attacking agent r
I have troubles with attacking the agent
greatgame. good animations
I got ending : Kyle dead, and Kyle escape.
it`s possible to end the game with no sex scene.
very exciting game i love that
was fun liked the interaction with environment to progress the game, rather than just dialogue.
the sex parts are a bit to well unsexy and I got a glitch in the deepthroat part but exept that its good
GREAT GAME: but the size of the gameplay window is a little to small.please hurry with round 3.
great it`s as good as the first part
Ok, this episode was awesome. Its very addicting.
This games is really adicting i love it.
Great sex scenes but the story is bit slow
Same problem – stucked with attacking an agent.
Wow, such a unexpected end. I was really surprised by it. I love the creativity there.
I have troubles with attacking the agent too. Also, same as part 1, more wondering around than action.
i can`t attack the agent.. how can i get the red card?.. i distracted him already.. what`s next???
Great game but I agree there were too long corridors and less detailed sex.
Brilliant, I`ve been waiting for the second episode. The first one honestly introduced something new story wise. While it wasn`t as sexual as the others, I still enjoyed it. So was with the second part.
im stuck in the bathroom
i dont understand this game
Both Verona projects are amazing, cant wait for the third to see what happens
This episode is better than the first, longer and the girls are cuter. Hope there will be a third episode.
love this game coz its have a nice gameplay!!!
i am loving the plot of this series. waiting for the third one
great game, not as good as the first one though. Can`t wait for number 3?
good but i get stuck when you have to get the access card i distract him then what
Some parts are realley tricky to master but i like the story very much 🙂
not bad but got stuck on the nipple part.
Would really love to see the seqeul to this game… Freaky ending!
to those that are struggling on f`s boobs. this is my tip. don`t go for her nipples first. just click and click around her nipples until the gauge reach half way. then when it is in halfway already then go ahead with the nipples it will fill the other 50% it`s way way easier to left the nipples part at the 2nd half of the gauge. because it will be hard to fill the 1/10 gauge left if you go for the nipples first
It is a great game, but I liked the first one better… any idea when the next sequel is comming out?
holla,.holla, i`am so horn in play this game.
but, i`am really need more hot sex, best grapich and blind to be best of the best gameplay
Too confusing. Couldnt really get into it.
good game but not enough girl sex
This is just great! I want more!
the game is great, but i could have more sex scenes
What the? When I tried moving after talking to Agent F, the character froze in place and wouldn`t move… A bug in the system?
Good game, good interaction. music and sounds would be good!
nice game .. i can`t wait for the next episode 😀
when is the third one coming out? does anyone know?
more sex scene please and too much walking around.
i like this game and the graphics i want play part 3 really bad.
how can i attack agent R?
Its a good game…… but it would be a lot better with music and sound.