Venona Project: Episode 2

Game rating 82.80%
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Comments (144)

  • avatar

    Whoa! Great game, It keeps getting more and more interesting. Keep up the great work. I can`t wait for Ep# 3.

  • avatar

    i got 3 endings:
    1) alien escapes
    2) alien dies
    3) kyle dies

    i hoped there would be one fucking ending but it`s a really well done game, much fun to play it 😛

  • avatar

    great game, complex and kinda hard.. and with the hottest girls!!! when will we see some more kelly?

  • avatar

    very good game, but it needs sound, music and more sex scenes

  • avatar

    Im really likeing the way these games are and i want more PLEASE

  • avatar

    You`ve really got to add some sound/music.
    The character models are pretty good, though Julia`s squinty eyes bug me.

  • avatar

    thnx for yet another great game cant wait for the next episode

  • avatar

    Nice episode,
    The good qnd bad end are very well done

  • avatar

    To attack Agent R find toilet pipe

  • avatar

    Anyone know what the the last ending is? Besides the two obvious ones: (spoilers) base self-destruction or leaving with Fran and Rod. Overall, this game was pretty fun. Hottest girls I`ve seen in a game so far too!

  • avatar

    Outstanding story. That`s certainly the best part. Definitely needs more sex. Some sound effects and a bit of music would go a long way here. Interactive interface during sex leaves a lot to be desired. Not easy at all. But a great story, I`m intrigued. Can`t wait until the 3rd episode.

  • avatar

    I liked it but the part at the end for when you listen to the agents i was like HA my charecter fked an alien.

  • avatar

    great episode. I really love the plot. kinda creepy

  • avatar

    @jcavines The boob scene is ridiculous hard or something is broken on the interface. Once you get it about 80 filled alternate kissing nipples until it maxes. Your fingers will almost go numb before succeeding but it does work.

  • avatar

    I seem to be stuck on Francesca`s boobs. Don`t get me wrong, if you have to be stuck, boobs should be involved, but I would like to go on, and I can`t get the bar filled up.

  • avatar

    Good game. Enjoyed it, though I got to find the other two endings.

  • avatar

    Exelente continuation of the previous episode, even more mysterious and intriguing

  • avatar

    i need help here…..what should i do after talk with Agent F T.T

  • avatar

    Im really likeing the way these games are and i want more PLEASE

  • avatar

    The Game is good…… but it would be a lot better with music and sound =)

  • avatar

    Game is pretty good but it could use some music or a couple sound effects at least. I`m curious to see how it`s going to end in the next one.

  • avatar

    fiber,take toilet pipe and you can hit the agent

  • avatar

    these game series doesn`t suffice sounds and music

  • avatar

    i couldnt find a way to attack Agent R., please help me.

  • avatar

    If you are stuck at beggining use the arrow keys instead of the mouse to move

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