Venona Project: Episode 1
Game rating
Comments (423)
not bad at all, can`t wait for the second series
walking around seems slow
but cant wait for part 2
i would like to ask i f anyone knows where is “the pit of doom ” drawer
good graphics
game went downhill when the alien hunters showed up
it is a very good game with great graphics love being interactive . need more in game help at certain part for action
interesting walking around idea, it just took awhile to do anything.
good ending, though, leaves me wanting to find out more!
I concur. This is an excellent game, and so far I think it has an excellent story line.
I think the girl is a little inferior than the other in previous games (her facial expression is weird when she enter the place).
Well, not lot of things in this one, it`s more an introduction than anythings, but the episode 2 look like promising.
Introduce a RPG (sim date like) part with other girls and make the story during on multiple days with maybe, join the commando and other stuff like that, could be great, with sex as reward of each mission, of course =D
The game is very good, i am waiting for the second part
Seems interesting, can`t wait for the second part
the female agent at the end should be available at least for foreplay, dont ya think?
I like the twist and where the story seems to be heading. Very interesting. Controls are pretty rough though. Would be nice with the option to click somewhere to have the character go there instead of getting stuck all the time trying to navigate with WASD/arrows.
Hope, episode 2 will be more intresting, now it is middle game – easy quest, short dialogs and tasks
A neat idea for a game…but it needs some refinement. The sex scenes are repetative, and the dialogue is just plain boring. A neat twist at the end, hopefully episode 2 will be better….
Hmmm , eso fue un poco inesperado , no quieren esperar para el volumen 2
A bit long winded. but funny beginning. could do with improving
Not very good.
The beginnning is to lame, the sex has no good pictures and there is a knock-knock scene again (Highschool Romance?).
The only good thing was the agent-thingy.
The movement inside the house is not very good, and it is quite short and you cannot make many movements,..
cool game
its short and easy
like most of the others: great game, but awkward controls
again, great grafics, found game play a little too tiring
Not bad at all – needs a bit of work though!
The game is very promising, I`m waiting for the second part.Weird ending thought
Excellent, very good idea, just needs a bit of content and
the movement was kind of awkward but i like how you play as a guy who is taking someones girlfriend. cant wait for part 2!
It should be interesting to see where this game goes. It`s promising.
It should be interesting to see where this game goes. The movement was a little frustrating to say the least, and I`m a little disappointed by the lack of content so far, but it`s promising.
this is a very graet game
I had a problem moving in the game play. Can it be fixed or is it my computer?
very fun and sexy I loce it.
It is kind of exiting this game. Keep up the good work
the movement inside the flat, even in the sex scenes is a little hard. The graphics are great!
the movement of the player is not like a person its more like driving a car…
when is the next epi.. gonna come
Great game… looking forward to part two.
100 % game fun, I love this game and hope it doesn`t take too long to get a second part.
I enjoyed the game play. The girl`s cute, can`t wait for the sequel. I help option would be nice.
very nice game, i cant wait for the next episode O_O
interesting ending cant wait for the next one
Very different ending, cant wait to continue the story!!
very nice game and intresting ending – can`t wait for more
Nice start to a strange story, can`t wait for more…
Good game =]
weird ending though, cant wait for second episode
Good, very goood. This is a excellent game ;))
IT`s a VERY long game.. but the wait was WORTH IT!!
Definitely something different, took a bit too long to get going though. Nice ending
qe buen juego
muy buenas graficas
y la verdad no puedo esperar a la parte 2
nice game cant wait for parts 2 and 3
Kind of frustrating you don`t get to climax but a fun new start.
A nice start for a new series. Waiting eagerly for the next episode