
Game rating 84.50%
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Comments (861)

  • avatar

    managed two endings
    being shot and finding her but she gets taken

  • avatar

    To ending 2 go first to up, where Rage will be. Reach enter there, fuck her. Then go down and talk with the old man in the bar and rent him a booze (drink). Then go to Hole, speak, check the two ppl there and the entrance sometimes.

  • avatar

    How Do you get into the “Hole” Club??

  • avatar

    I lost mouse after banging jasmine… any hint ?

  • avatar

    really fun game, can`t wait for the next part.

  • avatar

    yea its a little slow my not bad, really great graphics well done

  • avatar

    Too slow. Should be option to jump past the long conversations. The sex game concept wasn`t very interesting the first time it was used in a LOP game; it gets less so with repetition.

  • avatar

    Nice game! I got ending 2. How many ending are there in the game?

  • avatar

    How do you get the 2nd ending?

    1st – Reach for gun when talking to Rage
    3rd – Don`t sleep with Rage

  • avatar

    look interesting, any walkthrough will be even better.

  • avatar

    i`ve done 2nd ending. this is great game. i love it…

  • avatar

    Sadly it moved to slow for me, too much dialog, too little fun.

  • avatar

    Vert good story and wonderful graphics. Nice game

  • avatar

    needs a status bar to show how aroused the women are

  • avatar

    How do you get the “talking with tin can” and “banging with fury” achievements?

  • avatar

    As a sidenote (and hopefully temporary, hence the different post): the pointing arrow indeed disappears after the scene with Rage.
    You can still click things if you can `guess` where your mouse is. Buttons even highlight if yo happen to pass over them by chance.

  • avatar

    Very long dialogues, not that I mind a good story but this is a bit over it in the `explaining` part.

  • avatar

    really good game…i like the story(and am really curious where you are going to take it), like the world, and love you graphics…looking forward to the next chapter…

    @chiefton-there is at least four girls that you can fuck…

  • avatar

    Incredible game even if it was never finished.Being able to purse several different girls helps to provide a great deal of replay value. Not a big fan of the model part that was added and it seems to get away from the theme of the game. There was a demo of a fight portion the author was working on adding before I guess real life became too much to continue the game.

  • avatar

    a little boring in sometimes, the sex scenes are god, but the history can be better

  • avatar

    I need more women options in the game.

  • avatar

    For ending 3 DO NOT fuck Rage.
    I cant reach ending 1 and 4… (If I saw right, and hace four endings).
    Btw. nice game, good graphics and story, but have some bugs with the mouse arrow if replay the game. In this case right clicks helps a bit, but not so much…
    Is any idea how to fuck the mistress, CY, and the pink girl who want shine things?

  • avatar

    Great game! Graphics and story are very good!

  • avatar

    2 out of three endings so far, waiting for the sequel

  • avatar

    It looks like good game. I`ll try it

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