The Last Cockbender

Game rating 48.00%
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Comments (0)

  • avatar

    boring and nothing new here

  • avatar

    Nice music but poor story. Like most of the games of the same maker.

  • avatar

    this game was stupid like most games its repititive and cock bend? why just why thats the reson i gave it a 20 becuse it had ok graphics and sound track any whay the only reseon i played it is to review for other people

  • avatar

    Very simple graphics and poor story.

  • avatar

    Not my kind of game. They are always all the same.

  • avatar

    Same as so many games before.

  • avatar

    It has great graphics and a beautiful woman

  • avatar

    The music and the animation were pretty solid, but it`s otherwise just a short toon with a thin veneer of (repetitive and primitive) interaction.

  • avatar

    not a hard game not much to it

  • avatar

    It is what it is, no expansive storyline or anything like that. wham bam thank you maam.

  • avatar

    You`ve got to be kidding. I am embarrassed for your families seeing games like this being posted here.

    Seriously, guys, you have one of the best free adult game sites in existence. You are so much better than this. I am more than willing to wait longer for a good game than be saddled with dreck like this.

  • avatar

    es u juego malo!!! no tiene trma ni buenos graficos, 😛

  • avatar

    If you want a quick wank, then this might be good ,but if you expect a storyline then don`t even try it. I am a bit disappointed playforceone posts games like this in here among other great games.

  • avatar

    I don`t really like how you (playforceone) develops a game every 3 weeks and some of them can be found on newgrounds way before they are found on here. IK the market is low for this kind of stuff but please if you are going to submit stuff like this, please post more games more often

  • avatar

    great storyling awesome girls love it

  • avatar

    Not enjoyable, very short and easy.

  • avatar

    These games are insanely boring. No options to control the game path, just click three times and move to the next scene.

  • avatar

    I not like this kind of game, so boring.

  • avatar

    OK to kill time. Like many other games better.

  • avatar

    i`m really sorry to see this type of games on play force one. You should really stick to quality games, otherwise you might ruin your good reputation.

  • avatar

    I agree sorry but i like story lines

  • avatar

    It`s been ages since we had a new game but idk about this one… It`s funny sure- and Azula was a biatch, she deserved that :p But all the games from there are same; oversized boobs girl, veeeery simple and repetitive etc

    If there was a bending fight mini-game…

  • avatar

    Nice looking new game, liked it.

  • avatar

    This is an interesting idea but there is like no gameplay please either remove or add a story like following aang through his adventure just with him using sex to solve problems

  • avatar

    this one can make you laugh a lot … Cockbender hahahahahahaha!!!

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