The jungle call – episode 2
Game rating
Comments (272)
Very nice game, good graphics.I liked the second part better than the first
I`m stuck at the first scene….please help me what should i do after she holding the cock?????
Overall a pretty good game, but some parts are not intuitive whatsoever, to the point of frustration. The game would be all but unplayable if it weren`t for the help code.
Good game, simple but there are too much tricky part. Example bakairi part.
one of the best games ive played
Good game ok graphics needs more sex
nice game, nice graphics, nice idea, difficult to follow though
very hot game awesome gameplay
Reasonable game good endings also fun and quite simple
also a great game, but i think the graphics where kinda bad
nice story line, a bit tricky to pull out some of the moves
very hot game awesome gameplay
all and all it wasn`t that amusing, the second part played out better than the first episode. not the best I`ve seen but it happens.
nice game, i love lesson of passion games
Very nice game, good graphics.I liked the second part better than the first. Hope to see a lot more of games from Shark`s-Lagoon
these games are pain in my A$$
Great game, really liked it
not one of greatest games out their could have been better
Tons of potential but the gameplay mechanics are a little unclear with some parts being unforgiving and some parts being unclear on if they are unforgiving or not. Pretty fun and the sex scenes are hot.
YES: relevant comments concerning gameplay, graphic, animation
i stuck on the boat. but i liked this game
Good graphics oka game needs more sex
the story is nice, graphics could be better, but still i like it
it is a good game with good scenes but a little bit hard butngood game
great graphics, really enjoyed this game
Ok, this was good. Graphics aren`t everything
a little confusing at first but overall a great game.
this game was wonderful gameplay, graphic, animation
I like the game i just wish they had better graphics
this developer always delivers
great game i love the game
I like the game i just wish they had better graphics.Nice looking game, liked it.
Don`t know how to do a Avatar
Good game by the Shark good thing I found the hint word would have been difficult to fiqure the next moves
very similar to all other shark games
I like this kind of games
As I mentioned in my previous comments in Part 1 of this game, this game could have been better. But anyway, appreciate the effort. Spice it up some more!!! PLEASE!!!!!
difficult to explore…. graphics sud be good
I like the game i just wish they had better graphics
I don`t like the graphics of sharks lagoon games.
great game. good graphics and story. thanks
another great game as hope there is another one did get it after u had sex with her
Would be better with better graphics
An interesting plot but rather simplistic graphics. It does not to the game justice. Finding `hotspots` is very frustrating and quite hard as the logic of some of the moves is quite difficult. If it wasn`t for the hint word RIVER, I would have never completed the game. The game has potential.
loved the game, had a great plot
not too bad, about the same as the other sharks lagoon games
Not much actions. too much focus on controls it takes the excitement away.
SL games just too hard for me to understand … got stuck at the 2nd chapter when she grab the man mr P. Wew so frustating, it also happened in Eps. 1 always grab her heads to sucks then finisihed… anybody can help ?
I liked the second half of the game more then the first
great game and storey and really good fraphics, will play again