The Agency

Game rating 85.20%
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Comments 1377

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Comments (1377)

  • avatar

    Very nice game, liked to play it – only regret the missing ending with Caroline… another jewel thanks Leonizer.

  • avatar

    Great graphics and sound, but poor action. Also, on the ending scene, the outlaw girls popup blocked half of the dialog.

  • avatar

    Not very original. Sasha should have been made to be a T-Girl to throw in a twist in the game to make it a surprise exciting ending.

  • avatar

    that was a nice one. I enjoyed graphics and storyline, and sex scenes are better than previous games

  • avatar

    Like everyone said, the sex scenes could use some more action.
    But the characters, graphics, sound and storyline were really good.
    Nice game!

  • avatar

    good gameplay, animation and graphic but the story is too short

  • avatar

    i love these sort of games , guys nice work

  • avatar

    Pros: good music, good graphics, hot girls, somehow like paper chase 🙂
    Contras: Was it only me, or was the music getting faster at the first replay? Bug? Was almost feeling like on a speedmetal concert… 🙂
    Smoother sex scenes please! You can do better than changing between two pictures…
    Game is too short and too easy, please more “quests” or a sequel (enough room for that)

  • avatar

    Amazing game and a catchy tune

  • avatar

    i like this game but i cant get this shit out of my head i want to play it all the time

  • avatar

    good quality game, has a nice story.

  • avatar

    Great game! Good animations and a nice story!

  • avatar

    This game was really good. i got one ending. two to go.

  • avatar

    this is maybe the best game i ever played, nice girls and a bit challenging

  • avatar

    I love this Game
    The story is interesting and the girl are really sexy
    I think this game is one of the best on this site, would like to see a sequel….

  • avatar

    how do you do the photos im stuck xx

  • avatar

    great game. Great graphics

  • avatar

    Great, at least two of the endings.

  • avatar

    It is a very complete game, beatiful graphics,nice art, good story.

  • avatar

    this game is ok played better

  • avatar

    LOP back to form with this gem. Great girls, great story

  • avatar

    Good game , got all 3 endings , even played to get myself fired to see what happened, but that ending isnt worth it so dont bother. Animation bit jumpy during sex scenes and could be more interactive during these scenes.

  • avatar

    love the game but cant find the third ending.

    i got the ending with sasha and the one with her boss so far. how do i get the other one?

  • avatar

    Nice game, with interesting plot and good graphics

  • avatar

    Great game 10/10, great graphics, great story

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