The Agency

Game rating 85.20%
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Comments (1377)

  • avatar

    I love the game
    The music is awesome
    Graphics are awesome
    But the game wasnt that interesting.

  • avatar

    good game and i find all endings πŸ˜‰

  • avatar

    I liked the game, and as usual, the graphics are outstanding. However, I would like to see some more build up prior to the sex, as well as more interactivity in the scenes. Aside from that, great concept. Leonizer could expand the world, and have a really interesting game.

  • avatar

    Fantastic game. Great graphics, great girls and great sex.

  • avatar

    agency , 3d what am i waiting for? good game πŸ˜€ liked it

  • avatar

    I really like the story and the graphics are good as always. Wish it was a little bit longer, and a little more difficult. I got 3 diff endings and all girls in about an hour.
    Over all a great game and shows how the games will get better in the future.

  • avatar

    I feel like I made only half the actions available … :/
    Very good game though

  • avatar

    Nice game. Can you tell what the soundtrack is?

  • avatar

    really nice girls………..i fucked them all……………

  • avatar

    Great looking girls but the animation was lacking.

  • avatar

    Hahaha like the humor… “rub dick on smooth glass”

  • avatar

    i think this was the best game you made so far… Fantastic story and graphics…only negativ point: not enough interacton
    really worth playing it and the girls were hot as always πŸ˜‰

  • avatar

    This game was awesome but the sex scenes were mostly boring and the animation could be better

  • avatar

    hot pictures, but simple and kind of lame sex scenes. Gameplay is good though, plenty of challenges makes the outcome worth it.

  • avatar

    Very, very hot and amazing game. Very nice beautiful girls!!!
    Very interesting subject of this game.
    I like this one!!!!!

  • avatar

    Okay, to those who have been asking, to get the screwdriver and lightbulb, you have to talk to Damian. sunnyweekend said it`s in the rest room (which to me means bathroom), it`s not. There should be enough clues in your conversation with Damian to find the screwdriver, and he`ll also give you a lightbulb.

    Yes, there is a way to have sex with Caroline. It also involves Damian. Like most office situations, you need to stay friends with the receptionist/secretarial staff. They`re the ones who really run the office.

    The multiple endings all depend on how successful your presentation is to Sasha. Get most of your suggestions right and you have sex with her. Get some right and some wrong, and you have sex with the boss in the alley. Get most of them wrong and you`re fired.

    Hope I`ve given enough clues here to get you going without giving too much away. After all, the fun is in the playing, n`est-ce pas?

  • avatar

    tell me how to answer Sashe.not know English

  • avatar

    it is getting better and better, loved it´, nice toooo

  • avatar

    More activities could be
    having sex is too boring, there`s nothing to watch.

  • avatar

    What an awesome game….great concept super hot girls…..and really really innovative sex scenes….best game of LOP so far…though i hope the best is yet to come….
    Got all three endings…..And got 2 fuck all three girls,CAROLINE,JESSICA and SASHA…….

  • avatar

    What a great game – prefect combination of puzzle, hot girls and sex

  • avatar

    Is there a way to get caroline? The boss, ok. Sasha, ok. But caroline?

  • avatar

    hello everyone…..where do i find a new bulb after findin the screwdriver????

  • avatar

    Nice game! It`s not dificult to find the 3 endings.

  • avatar

    Its alright I prefer the VDate games

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