The Agency
Game rating
Comments (1377)
the graphics of this game is amazing
Great game and lovely animatioms,lacks audio though
This is great game… I like it very much…
Game is a bit complicated, but well made! D.
nice stories, hot characters, but the sex scenes aren`t good
The animation/gameplay of the sex scenes themselves is lacking, but the story and “adventure” gameplay is pretty good, and the girls are hot.
This game was cool and I had a lof of fun figuring everything out
interesting plot with a lot of opitions, at the end was hard picking the right answer to score either the boss or the client. or simply loneliness
Really good game nice i liked the story a lot and it wasn`t one of those really simple click all the text you see games either required some thought and was fun
suprised by the bosslady, what more can i ask for, great game
really good one 😉 with lots of girls 😛
This game is good and has good graphics
fun game and nice graphic
one of the best game of LOP
This is a little sad but I can`t find the stupid screw driver for the light bulb, can anyone help me?
-One of my favourite “Lessons of Passion” games.
-The classic Point-&-click adventure gameplay works great. I love the main character`s comments on incidental details like the coffee machine. I got a laugh out of his remarks when trying to rub his dick on reception`s glass desk or jerk off in the toilets.
-Memorable characters, especially Caroline and the male receptionist.
-The sex scenes were hot, especially the one with Caroline. Giving her a creampie at the end was grand.
these girls are really hot and some really nice scenes in this game!!
took me a while to get the singer girl :p
how to download this game please some one
i hate the ending when you get fired but besides that is awesome
this game is awesome i have once and already love it
the game has a good story and it´s fun to play
Last but not least, speaking about getting fired, will try that now, the last possible end for this adventure .
Though, would not have been bad if, Morgan would have gotten to get intimate with Caroline, as a compensatory reward from her to him, since he got himself fired and her rocketed on the agency`s power ladder, as a side effect .
So, a sarcastic, yet passionate Caroline, offering herself to Morgan, being a perfect lover, while knowing she is triumphant …
What do you think about that ?
Comming up with an Agency 2, that would not be bad at all, if you`d consider the comments of those who took the time to offer you feedback and a key to bettering & success .
BTW, liked Soda`s comments and kamilla`s too as well as others .
Q : how was Sasha able to talk with her mouth full ?
Is that also a singer`s treat ?
Suggestion – it could have used some `animalistic` sounds, moaning and growling … that always helps .
The intercourse scene with Sasha is much better from an artistic point of view, the models animation is much better put together . 9 * for that .
The intimate story line could use some work, generally speaking, though particularly refering to Sasha`s sex scene .
Other than that, I did rate it with 10 * xD . You guys, gals – if any, enjoy The Agency ! Cheers .
Further feedback – have I said the models look astounishing ?
Their faces, gestures – quite expressive . Even though the way the `actors` pose is repeated, if you follow up the story nicely, without useless clicks or nagging the characters, you will get them pose apropriate to the dialogues .
As others have said, the sex scenes need work – lots of work. Again, it lacks expresivness, not at all natural.
Adding, as Soda said, I quote :` The click style is too `sober` for such hot and passionate scenes. ` – end quote ; the yellow button and the `excito-meter` do not cut it – wrong all the way.
The theme song – great, a big plus there .
Again, dialogues, naration, photos and static models – wonderful .
Pretty lucky bastard this Morgan fellah …
In the rough lines, that was one of the endings … hope you guys and … gals ?, get to experience it, cause it`s a whole other thing doing it than just reading it.
@ DeaconFrost – if you could, either message me or comment here, what was your ending like, being fired ? Did you still get to fuck someone, the boss, your co-worker, or you plainly got the boot ?
Hm, wondering if , cause there sould be an ending where this Morgan guy gets together with Sasha, the singer, or with all 3 ladies at the same time, since they are all grown up adults and capable – that would be interesting .
Dear ladies and esteemed gentlemen who are responsible for the making of these here adventure games, do hope this feedback is to be useful to the in the future making of other amazing pieces of art .
Here it goes :
– models 8 to 9 .
– backgrounds 9 .
– dialogues 10 .
– naration, plot and everything else in the same cathegory – 9. 10 even .
( though could do better on the ending intercourse scenes )
– animation 2 .
– expresivity, art impression – 8.5 on models, photos ; 2 on animated scenes
– intercourse 9
Got the most unlikely ending, almost beat Caroline to the Contract and … Jessica, the boss, offered to `comfort` me, while I (aka Morgan), got to have an all out sex treat on the back of an alley. And guess who was in charge this time ? All hard core, rough and went domination on Jessica – apparently she liked it so much … my job got to being heaven afterwards .
Very good game! I like all! juste a little more action and it was perfect!
great game but u actually have to pay attention to the info to get the girl
is anyone else having trouble getting to the exit/next button?
great game, and great graphics like always
Fun game with great graphics. I especially like the different scenarii you can play. The endings are good too.
can you please help me i need help on taking the pictures?
Really fun and cool game this is on my top 20 list its #1!
i dunno may be i had some problem wid d game . only one sex scene in d toilet one. may b der was problem in d network.
This game has really good graphics and is amazing.
i am stuck at the part when he was taking the photos
It would be better if the game can increase more actions.
really liked it took a couple tries but i got it and loved it
fuck this game is awesome nice tits
great game graphics are awesome and i hope that will happen to me
i love the story to this game and the girls well they where really sexy this game is going on my top 10
This game is really good.
The girls are not to bad to look at and the storyline is pretty easy to follow.
sexy really liked taking the pics
Excellent game, really love the models, shame about the looping sound but it worked well.
Top notch sex scenes.
Similar to other passion games, I enjoyed, just wish they`d add better sound than the same track on loop. 6/10
i love this game it is so good
i love this game i wonder whats next
Great game…the music was very fitting, but sound effects would have been nice…..the models were all incredibly hot, with Jessica being my favorite…..great game..the sex scenes were amazing, but the controls left me wanting…
Nice game. Good story, great graphics. 100%
The game is really good.
Jessica is awesome!!