Teen Fangbangers
Game rating
Comments (495)
Wish there had been more interactive actions, but I did like the opportunity to somewhat choose story path.
wow…very good graphic and story
i kind of like it but its kind of stupid …
Great graphics but the story is so short and a little bit boring and absurd.
Nice game, needs better graphics though.
nice game good story idea
how to downloading the games?
Boring…other than a few decisions, nothing but a “click thru”
This game had a great grafics but the strory is short
Awesome graphic and background music
Good game for the variety, all three endings!
This game wasn`t bad, but I`d like to have witnessed better graphics or visuals. But this game was good.
The pointer gets out of track…please fix it…the graphics part is really good
Fun enough to play a few times, but not the greatest game in PF1. Threesome option is great and it is one of the few games on the site that offers MFF options. Overall: 7/10
Amazing game. Graphics and gameplay are top of the line.
It`s a nice spin to vampire love stories. The girl is cute!
good game,graphics quality should be improved
Guess this appeals to all the twilight/true blood fans – it looks pretty (well at least the girls do) but its not that enjoyable to play.
This is a good game. As expected from LOP.
like the way Ideas get put into practise.
For what it is , it`s good.
Amazing game i hope to continiou more games P.F.O….
cool grapgics and sound aniation could be elittle longer and it is a v bit slow
Nice, graphics could be better 🙂
This is a good game. As expected from LOP.
game to short gtaffics bad
didnt manage to get the 3rd ending though.. nevertheless, the graphics were good as always, but the plot could be improved.
great graphics …. too short of a storyline
Nice game, I don`t like teenagers but are interesting and exiting, good job!
very nice game…..premium game
Gorgeous girls and great graphics.
graphics are ok but not much of a game
meh, wasnt a whole lot of choices, just a lot of clicking…not worth replaying
great game, some of the best graphics i have seen yet
this game is very fun to play. it is hot and sexy. however, it may be improved
it was a bit boring if i do say so
This is a good game. As expected from LOP.
another great game with great graphics.well done!!!
The graphics aren`t that good compared to other LOP games, the storyline and game itself is very brief.
Graphics are good, but the animation is really lacking compared to other games
as with all their games,good graphics and terrible animation,75%,average
Nice simple little game. Would be worth a re-visit with expanding the content with newer animations. Perhaps even a tad more content between the two women.
Fun game, it`s somewhat short and could have used more lesbian scenes.
this game is just to simple so it`s not really fun to play
good game a little more interaction would be nice
awsome game, i like games like this
this game was great i loved it
good story line but graphics not as good as most other stories
Nice game… but need graphics better
Nice game, but I agree with the other comments: LOP should be better.
A bit dissapointing.
Not many choices to be made, too linear.