Synthia 3600
Game rating
Comments (516)
very simple very plain not the best by far
Graphics are ok. Not many choices and paths. Simple
Pretty simple and straight forward not very impressive.
nice game great graphics
good ame would be better if there was sequel to it on this site
not bad , but could have used more stories !!!!!!! but realy hot
Great graphics, story doesn`t make much sense.
well it`s good though it`s very limited!
crazylike game…like comic strips
Nice game,poor graphics,not much to do
good game and nice grafic
not really a game but i did like
Too linear, alas, and poor animated.
Too bad, the graphics are nice!
an ok game. Not the best i have played but acceptable
The game would be better if we had better actions. 😛
Graphics are ok. Not many choices and paths. Simple
Very simple story, one direction only give me some choices here. Good premise but could use a few touches here and there read less like a comic and give more interaction.
Not a bad game. Story and graphics could have been better
great game with a interesting story line
Too linear, very simple animations, clickable comic book – certainly couldn`t call it a game. I won`t be bothering to play any other chapters. And just to be really pedantic, in the very first scene of the story after the introduction about the character, shouldn`t that be `way station` as in a stop over point in a journey, rather than a `weigh station` as they call it. Surely it`d be a bit difficult to weigh vessels in space when there`s no gravity?
More of a comic than a game, but still interesting.
weird game didn`t like much
this is a real awesome game
WORST game on this website.
Kinda fun at first, then it gets boring
this is a boring game nothing to do could be much better
not alot happening here!! needs more interation and to be a bit longer!
I like all these sex gamess mmm yeah!!!!
Nice little funny game, really interresting to see a game who look like a comics
well, the graphic and animaton are quite nice, but i can`t really call this a game
Wasn`t too bad. Kinda plain though.
not really a game but i did like
nice game keep up the good work
nice game,i not enjoyed it but i REALLY enjoyed it..
this game is not very hot and cool
Short but graphics are good. Not much of a story. Where is the sequel?
Boring game… The graphics were especially good and the story was sup-par (even for a porno)…
Not a very good game. It has no action just clicking next on the story hardly anything else. Too easy of a game.
Not my style of game, strange story and not very good anims, fun for a while though
Not so good…… Bad graphics
The overall plot and flow of the story is too linear.
it is a very good game we need more games like that
mmm very a little action ..
This is great game… I like it very much…
this one kinda sucked, action scenes are very poor
I expect a little bit more action but it was ok anyway
Not fun and interesting game, didn`t like it, it needs passion
Not a very interesting game at all. Bad graphics and animations if you can call them that.
I don`t really like this game.
i think it would be nice if we can interact with the story.
dumbest game i`ve ever played