Synthia 3600
Game rating
Comments (516)
i guess it is not my type of game.
absolutly wonderful
hope you decide to continue with it
not bad as a comic not bad graphics
not that bad but it was like a comic but with sex
What`s the point? nice story but doesn`t go anywhere
interesting game with great graphics and animations
good story but no real challenge at all
good story but no real challenge at all and waaaayyyy too short
I don`t find any interrest in this one.
Nice game…pretty good graphics.
Digital comic books can be good, but a bit of interaction would be nice
Gotta find the rest of these, science fiction hooked me 😉
nice try need more home work 2 do on it
This game has no real x factor about it boring.
Different approach, could have been a good idea regarding gameplay but graphically average, really. There is no real interactions but the plot is unsual for the very short time it last.
Far to be a must.
there wasn`t really any interaction, overall it wasnt very good
Its different to say the least!!
this is a fun games hope they make more
pretty sweet they should make another one
fun game, hope the follow ups are nice and happens soon
good story line if a little on the porn storyline side. like the dialogue as it was a bit comical. good game control. graphics ok. gave it a high score in the hopes that more is made to know if the heroine finishes her assignment.
Not much of a game, just a pretty linear story with graphics. Could have been much better.
terrible picture. not a good game
Sweet scenes and great sex….
I like the controllable animation with audio, but it is a little too unrealistic
good history with preaty good grafics
quite a boring game but good scenes well almost
Pretty good episode. Not the greatest graphics when it comes to the “sex” scenes
A very good idea with terrible execution. It could`ve been great, it just… wasn`t.
this is a fun games hope they make more
Well, it`s a start… Interesting idea making it like a comic book, and some of the visuals are very creative.
silly game plan, just follow the scene, hardly any choices or interaction, if you want the zoom ins called “interaction”
very boring…needs better actions
this one was on the boring side. need more of everthing.
Story was the best part, art for still shots was great animation not so much. Would like to see a follow up to see if this progresses at all, it has potential.
Fun game just need to make more parts and better scenes
Interesting story line. Not the best that i have played, but not bad
Sorry, but just couldn`t get into this. Quite poor graphics to boot!
i love this game it is greatest!
GOOD GAME!!!!!!!! this is fun
Interesting,some cumshots would have been better,should make more action to them
straight line for this game….weak graphic and gameplay
not bad 4 a comic, lookin forward to next one
This isn`t a game. It`s only a comic.
Kind of like a porno meets blade runner. Where is episode 2?
awesome game. need part 2.
great game and graphics hope the follow up comes soon
Cool story. I can`t wait for the sequel!
The animations aren`t the best, but it`s a great story. Hope to see more interaction in the sequeals.
the game is not bad, but it could have been better.