Synthia 3600
Game rating
Comments (516)
This is not a game, this is just simple story – not fun, not interesting.
good graphics, good idea, but i don`t like the way of play
boring bad quality and no story
the game ok but could of been longer
That`s a cool game, but too short.
its alright but ive seen better
this game is booring realy
its ok but i really do think i could have made beter game
Game runs like a story. Graphics could use some improvement but decent to play
Good story, bad graphics. Too Bad 🙁
boring games…, nothing special about this games…!
action parts are too short
didnt like that one much it was pretty boring
I`ve seen better games,I hope the sequel has better graphics and is more interactive
the game is not nice…….need to find nicer game…
is that it a bit short, also too easy
Not seen this one before. Is the other part(s) available, or is that it?
not really a game but nice graphics
Fun game, good navigation through the game, the animations left a little to be desired, but enjoyable nonetheless.
way short and its a little wierd.
it`s not a game it`s a comic
In a bizarre way, I enjoyed this game. Unique theme. Any word on sequel?
not so great, bad graphics
goof but it can be made more interesting.
interesting,but the comic is not to good,could have been better
Game? This is only comiks.
Eh, it`s ok. could be better
not really good, not really bad, and too short ! I don`t like the graphics
Decent game, could use more action
when the next chapter arriving
this game is stupid. Bad graphics, bad storyline, and no point.The Action-parts are a bit short, but a good game though
It was one…. graphics coulda done more
thats fun this game but..
i really dont care to much for this game..its ok
its a good game but could use better movement
This is an older game. It was done when 3d graphics were just starting. It was pretty cool then, but lacks something nowadays. It be nice to see this redone with today`s technology.
It`s different. but the CG/animation is pretty ordinary. Storyline isn`t bad I guess.
good storyline but not so good game…poor graphics
boring.. and just boring.. the storyline is very bad, and the whole game is much to easy..
this game is stupid. Bad graphics, bad storyline, and no point.
No good graphics and a dumb storyline
game needs more options, more scense and more actions
game was boring didnt really like it too much
I agree with a lot of you, not a great game
not a very fun game it was just kinda boring
People have said it sucked. I agree
Interesting and engaging and seems to lose its way. Good to play once as no real benefit to repeat.
ok. not really a game but a storyy. You just click for next section. Some k scenes though.
First time I`ve seen this game, has the next part been completed?
good game graphics are nice