Synthia 3600
Game rating
Comments (516)
Ok the chicks are hot they need to finsh the story.
the game was shorter than i expected
Graphics are good but games boring
Eh, shoulda just stuck to a comic or a game
That`s a pretty boring game.
not a very fun game it was just kinda boring
I can`t wait for the next chapter
well the game was ok it was just really short sweet and to the point
Not really a great game, more of a graphic novel
did not like this game at all. very boring. there is nothing to do, really…
This is fail 😀 I rate it 00 O_o
quite o.k. but nothing special
meh so-so…. a few more secrets might help & the story is a bit lame
decent, but drags a little at the start and could use better graphics
good game but needs more quality
more action and story line needed in my opinion
More action and better graphics are needed, but good game.
its baaaad no action is happening id like more actttion
a little too cartoonish for me
Pretty easy and simple.. would have liked to seen more girl on girl action.
Good game , but kind boring.
i really didn`t like this game.
The game was kinda wierd. I liked it though. Can`t wait til next part
Didn`t like this game. Sex was good though
The idea is great,Really intersting game,i like the story
Didn`t like this game. Sex was good though
would like to see some more action happen on the scenes, intead of a repetitive
This is a horribly made game. sex scenes are okay, but overall it sucks
pretty good game but the sex scenes could be alot better
This is a real futuristic sex fantasy game
its nice but could youse more options
would like to see some more action happen on the scenes, intead of a repetitive glitch
nice game. i have fun playing it. I am looking forwrad for part 2
not bad, not as interactive as i like but ok
this game is pretty dated, very old
i couldnt figure it out and did not know what to do
fun game… its make a lot of fun good
im a really bit dissapointed… need to wait for the next episode.. hahaa.. but anyways,, good graphics and story..
funny game but the graphics are bad
funny game, but its no so good graphic
Not really a game so far, but nice story 😉
it was alright graphics were not great
I love this game very much!
Interesting concept, the hidden comics stuff is nice
looking fwd to next eoisode
great game, can`t wait for the next part.
new style of game, its good
great graphics but the storyline needs some work.
really nice graphics. The storyline isn`t that bad either