Strip Sexy Pirate 2
Game rating
Comments (149)
Great game… girls are hot!!!! WOW
Good for an arcade game. Glad there is no time limit, or this would be nearly impossible towards the end. Don`t care for the “shake up and down” for reaching the end. Why not just reward us for our hard work?
fast and nice…good graphics…big boobs rule 🙂
lot of work for what you get
dammm cant focus on battle
Quite challenging game i like it!
It`s just a little bit repetitive in my opinion
An okay game… Could be beter….
I like this game very much its graphics is awesome
good difficulty and reward but mouse shake too much
This game is pretty damn nice.
kind of got a problem in the start but ones i got into it i reached the end, nice game
hard but addictive, did it in the end
To annoying and the captain it`s to much of a distraction!!!!!!
easier then the first one and a bit better too.
a beloved classic,still fun and the babe i still a fox.just lock the aim over the barrel and let the ships movement lead you to the rigth place to fire
I shake the mouse up and down, but it doesn`t work, help?
Nice simple game with an all right end to it.
games ok but could have a better piat
challenging, fun, but wish she did anal 😀
this is a good game but its shaking is very much.
Great game! Great graphics and very sexy
still think the girl is hot
its really hard to hit the ships
wow great but very adictive game
keeps me busy for a while
was hard at the end but i did it need help just ask
Nice game.i like it better than the first one.
Graphics are a little simplistic, but the gameplay is excellent! I like how it is harder for each shot.
its alright, can be very difficult sometimes
the game was too hard to finish
Funny game XD not much good grafic
its an ok game,the moving pattern of the cann is te same so with a litlle skill you can aim ahead but it gets harder the more clothes she loses,but ths was one of the first games i ever played so this must be considoed a classic?.I just tried it again annd it hast gotten any easier,the sex part is a bit..meh…
But still for the gaming challenge in it and not so much the erotic part,(she moves to much to fully enjoy her qualeties) i would give it 4/10,beacuse i once enjoyed this game very much,nice to see her boat is still in the water though.
Fun, i complete the game! sexy poses.
this was so hard but i finished and it turned out good
Great game! Great graphics and very sexy
Fun, mildly challenging game. Animation is a good tease.
not good enough to satisfy the player 😉
This game is funny and challenging I enjoyed it
Very sexy pirate and challenging gameplay
Game is has a good amount of difficulty and the girl looks great.
Aim at the boat…not the sails!
Nice game , really sexy 🙂 Not too easy 10/10
This is ok, gets a bit repetitive although has a nice difficulty later
nice animations and easy to play
Needs more action. But its not bad
Really good, the trick is to not move the mouse and let the boat move your target. The end is totally worth it!
this game is pretty hard but the chick gets me hard
This is hard near the end, but it is fun and sexy!
you have to try it after a couple of beer
Yes, the voluptously drawn captain makes it hard to concentrate.