Strip Sexy Pirate 2
Game rating
Comments (149)
Mediocre game, but hey still enjoyable
the accuracy and timing in the game is a challange
not to good, nice captain though.
A tricky game, but graphics could be better and slower.
Fun game pirate chic has nice boobs
This game is very good and i like it…
Great job to be a pirate on this boat!
This game is really awesome, I loved it.
not impressed.. i prefer the dating games myself
this game is “good and hard” just the way I like them.
This is easy..So honestly,who is really focusing at shooting the ship rather than the girl?
its a bit too hard to make ur captain happy but its still a horny game
it`good not very good ,their should be adventure
a good ending but else it`s kinda boring
There`s room for improvement but it`s ok.
nice game and good graphics
There should be other animations.
graphics needs some improvments
easy game,but sexy girl
game was good but a bit boring just shooting pirate ships
More positions and endings and girls would be nice. Different levels with fighting on other ships and stuff also.
was doing really well then it moved to quickly
It`s an alright game. I started to feel a little seasick when the difficulty went up.
very simple game, but also nice
nice game, tricky but funny…unfortunately it hasn`t great graphics…if they were better it would be a great game
I like BGM nude seen seasick.
Tricky game but with a very sexy style! =)
not as hard as the first one but still ok game
good game, captain is realle sexy.
To much motion in the ocean! lol
Pretty funny, better wait for sometimes and it is taking more than one shot each time to advance in the game, bit harder than I thought but still matter of minutes to put it an end. quite lot of inertia in the end, gotta be more lucky than precise I guess.
Erkend same here great graphics as well
Hahaha i agree wif erkend
This pirate has enormous …
Quite a funny game, waiting for part 3
this gmae is more difficult than you would think
This is one of the harder games on this site. Just hard to time it right.
Gets me seasick, if you know what I mean. Not my kind of games, too difficult for my unskilled fingers
good game gets hard though
good game she is better looking that jack sparrow
For most of the arcade games I ask myself “is this chick worth it?” This one is worth it.
not to good, nice captain though.
cool game it not too easy and not too hard enjoin it ! dang
Funny, classy, entertaining and challenging towards the end – and it has pirates 😀
funny games but the graphics are too bad
Decent game, a bit hard, good graphics, like it,it`s not so easy to end it.
it would be nicer if the cap`n is depicted in a more “realistic” way instead of a comical one. nice though
it`s ok, not good if you get dizzy
Probably wouldnt replay it
took too long, the end didnt really justify the effort
overall great game but slow