SpiderMan Black Cat Felatio
Game rating
Comments (1593)
Nice Game, Felatio is a Felatio not new in this way, short small variable
Okay game, but it was to short.
Awesome, but too similar to the others. I`d love one with a more realistic theme though, not a huge fan of the FF/Comic references.
alot better than the other ones and more dialog. more of these games plz!
graphics could be better and the game could be longer other than that it was good
Not bad at all. Game with nice movies
this game was pretty entertaining
i had this fantasy as a kid all the time
Not very good graphics and the game is not that good, at least the dialog is meaningful 🙂
Nice game, I love it. But is the same than the others, always…
its good and its better than the other ones
graphics could be better and the game could be longer other than that it was good
Awesome, but too similar to the others. I`d love one with a more realistic theme though, not a huge fan of the FF/Comic references.
lmao its ok kinda cracked me up when the hulk came in
alot better than the other ones and more dialog. more of these games plz!
A bit repetive fro my taste
not bad at all. great dialogue, audio would be better
little too short but good game
Black cat is a complete whore in this game. The graphic is better than other games of this type.
I call it an average game. Not bad but not too good either.
Very good graphics, funny little game.
great game. always fantasized about the girl characters doing this stuff. awsome quality.
there is a lot of game that are just like this one
This is based off a game call Final Felatio, which features FFX-2 character: Rikku
I think there are 30 different versions of this game and half the time they don`t change the words.
I would be excellent if you could have sex with her but still its ok
a little cheesey it was easy to tell it was masked
great game, and liking the controls
Ok game, short, could have some other scene
Silly… but really HOT too!
not too bad but the gameplay and graphics could have neen better but whatever
I can`t stop playing this
Nice team up
Always wanted to see this
the graphics are so good and was the game was hot
This game is hysterical and so much fun to play. A sequel would be great and maybe next time sound and music could be added.
hahaha…..funny game….shud hav better graphics…..
When i playd it i thought that is a bit unfinnished. But maybe I`ve done something wrong
Seriously, what is with this game. Very boring and uninteresting at it is still rated fairly well?
Decent game, graphics are average, gameplay gets rather boring and repetative but it kills some time. So overall it isn`t a great game but it serves it purpose
great graphics but the whole moving ypur mouse backwards and forward got boring quite quickly
good but it becomes repetitive
superhero theme is good, but could have been more to it…
good game but it has the same motion as several other games
but short enough to play more than once
a short but fun game in all
too repedetive, not enough content, funny to play but boring in 1 min 😀
i love the graphics and animation
The animations for this game are very smooth and make it a must play.
Gameplay is exactly the same as Final Fantasy Fellatio
not much gameplay ok graphics animation was ok