SpiderMan Black Cat Felatio
Game rating
Comments (1593)
This is one of the better quality flash blowjob interactive animations. Is basically a redo on the graphics of the Final Fantasy one with Rikku. Still and enjoyable play regardless
This is almost exactly like the other games in this series (like with Rikku, etc.) I`ve seen way too many of these :/
Rebellion thanks! It really works
aw cmon dont mess with spidy!hehe
damn this will happen in spider man 4 in the deleted scenes
very funny game good graphics
Definitely the best one of these blowjob games (not saying much, I know). Be much better if you could do zoom in/zoom out and if you could change the girls
too repedetive, not enough content, funny tho
haha this is hilarious… wish there were more content to it though
fairly straight forward gameplay, good graphics.
Nice Game.
Right on the Action. Could need more features.
Seen a bunch of these games out there I think the one with Rikku is the original version of the game this one I think is of the better of these games.
Could have done much better….
To little to do
I don`t like it
not bad pretty simple wish there was more to it graphics are ok
Heh Only Peter Parker would be so lame as too have all those powers and only get a quickie bj. Maybe the creators should do villains with a lot more evil and innovation
pretty cool but should have been zoom out to see tits bouncing when sucking
just another simple good/bad bj only game depending on how you feel about such, personally i don`t find them all that interresting.
not bad pretty simple wish there was more to it graphics are ok
very good game but to short, good graphics
the game is ok, but to short
Is short, but exciting, good game.
ok, kind of boring. very simple. probably wont play more than once.
I love deepthroat games as much as the next guy. But the same old game with a new skin thing is getting kind of old.
This is a terrible game, but at least they added the movie sondtrack to it. Lol.
Best of these so far. At least the language barrier is better.
could be better but still very good
its a fun fantasy and has good smooth action
beautiful game, nice and horny, but too much simply…
very hot , like the controls and would like to see more games like this
kind of boring but interesting!!!
Well made, like the others in the series. More options would be nice though, rather than just replacing the character and leaving it at that.
on l`appelle gorge profonde
good fun game no pretence just a laugh
haha she`s covered in spider webs.
This was okay , nice sound
meh, this was okay, seen lots like it tho
Game looked good just too many games out there just like it
Always a hot character, would be interested in the next adventure
I love this game!!!!!! Is so hot!!
i can wait for epsode 2, i bet there will be lots of hot russin babes
nothing new just another force full game personaly i get bored of these quickly
i loved shoving spideys cock down black cats throat mmmmmm
now i would like to be spiderman jajaj she is hot
good game but wished it could of used more action
Good game. Short and sweet.
Same game different subjects. The dialogue is better in this game than the more recently issued one on the home page and the characters make this one a little better, but just by a little.
This game gets boring with repetition. So many games that have the same concept
its a very good game and has good sound but thequality is poor
Nice choice of character and sound but game is too short