Spank The Booty
Game rating
Comments (441)
i found it to be a reallly funny game i laughed after i figured out how to do it fast
wow its so fun even doe u jus slap
Nice easy game. Why don`t you guys add to it? Just a thought
Pretty strange, but i guess it just don`t fit my expectations… maybe it schouldn`t end with just the butt *grin*
ought to be rewarded if average exceeds 400+ game ok i guess
306 mph…..what can I say This game delivers what it promises…..
ok game but lost intrest really fast
game is as hard as hell
amusing addictive for a few minutes then the novelty wears off
Not a bad game. Its fun for a bit.
fun for a few minutes not a bad game 🙂
amusing indeed but not very sexy
suprisingly addictive for such a simple game
Have to agree with those that went before me, a nice little timewaster to distract you, but gets boring very quickly
just hitted 625, nice little original game
my bset was 519 ok game to easte some time
scored a average of 316 highest speed was 366 interesting game definatly
Nice little timewaster, fun and distracting!
cant make better than 490 mph :S
939 mph on my last spank hehe ya this is kinda fun
This is a good reflex game but gets boring after awhile.
It was alright but I think you need more spanks, per go.
easy game and gets boring after a short time
simple but great reflex-game
okwhateveri have no clue abot this game
hit her long and hard thats a sexy game
fun game, needs a few more bottoms to spank.
this game is fun and naughty at the same time 🙂 .
well the fastest mouse wins 😛
Boring but… well boring
this is now my understanding game! the goal is to spank as fast as you can
that is a boring game,and weird!! what do you think?
easy game but gets boring after a while
Simply and funny. I think this would attract more guys then girls. Lol.
fun game but i wouldn`t really call is sexy, more funny i guess
i rated it 58 but i thought it was boring
Avg. score of 570, even though i moved the mouse about the same speed, three different speeds were clocked
easy game but gets boring after a while
hot and sexy game like it tooo much
649 lol this is addicting
amusing got 400 something
yeah this was pretty boring
ad some sex and then we will talk
comical and that is really all it is.
boring needs something to increase the interest
447n mph first try not bad
My fastest was 171mph, but i found the game to be a bit boring.
haha 384 mph its wery funny game ;P
cute but too easy, really maybe a all time high score would help
is game was different. but entertaining
i love playing dis game cause i love spank dat booty