Spam Land

Game rating 67.00%
Views 199574
Comments 136

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Comments (136)

  • avatar

    don`t even know how to play

  • avatar

    Sick shit! This game is a little too vulgar.

  • avatar

    one of the wierdest games ever!

  • avatar

    this game is not very good, don´t have instructions

  • avatar

    Okay, to get started…

    Find the room with the light switch. Turn on light. Click on girl for closeup. Slap tits. Cock in mouth, move mouse up & down. Click finger on rope once to zoom out and again to lift girl. Click on green buttplug (not on pussy, or monster comes out). When buttplug falls out fuck `er in the ass (move mouse up & down) until she clenches cock and you cum. When done, spread ass with fingers. Something falls out. Once through the door, click on characters for help & hints.

  • avatar

    Graphic is not goodI don`t like it at all

  • avatar

    hahha its not that bad, just dont take it too seriously

  • avatar

    bit crap. nice controlidea but needs a lot more development (and a how to guide!)

  • avatar

    I have to agree with the majority of comments about this game. It is dull, limited and irritating. I found the girl used the rope etc. but it is still a poor game.

  • avatar

    Didn`t get a clue for this one

  • avatar

    Sick shit! This game is a little too vulgar.

  • avatar

    whats this doing here!?S:

  • avatar

    The king of stupid games. It should not be posted on this site

  • avatar

    Don`t dump the game. Graphics are ok. and the f seen are better then some here. Find the girl. Smack her T`s. get her to suck. Butt F her by pulling the butt plug out. Probably a key some were the get out the door Monster in snatch probably way to get it out I just could not figure it out. Better then the soft core stuff where you can`t see the P you are Fing. lol. Enjoy it.

  • avatar

    too simple graphic and gameplay Not really funny

  • avatar

    really boring game…..
    i didnt get any idea regarding how to open the door in the beginning itself

  • avatar

    Really weird game, not the quality you would expect to find here

  • avatar

    Kind of a lame game, didn`t care for it

  • avatar

    do not know what is all about, bad game.

  • avatar

    Gameplay isn`t worth playing !!

  • avatar

    I like rape and forced sex. This game just could not figure out. Move to something else or get cheats.

  • avatar

    An odd romp. Tries very hard to try very hard. If you really need to play this google for a walkthrough. Also know that while amusing, you`re not missing much.

  • avatar

    loooool what the fuck ???

  • avatar

    this game was so stupid. bad graphics, bad plot, and so easy to get lost.

  • avatar

    I would give this game a rating, but there is no negative numbers. So much wrong with it, not anything right with it. When a demon crawls out of the first woman`s pussy, it is time to go play something else.

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