Spam Land

Game rating 67.00%
Views 199536
Comments 136

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Comments (136)

  • avatar

    Strange game. Need to do good graphic

  • avatar

    Bad grafic story and game

  • avatar

    somewhat fun, but needs better graphics

  • avatar

    im stuck help me how do you move please help

  • avatar

    a boring and pointless game

  • avatar

    This game is very weird. And I cannot find how to pee on face of the troll “girl”

  • avatar

    graet gameplay nice work and graphics were awesome

  • avatar

    Dindnt like it at all. Weird game.

  • avatar

    I like it! Sure, the graphics aren`t very good and parts of it are kind of disgusting. But it`s totally original – not like anything else on this website! Almost every other game here is exactly the same: See some completely generic-looking manga chick, and choose between “You look beautiful,” or “Suck my dick, bitch!” Then you see her naked and you rub her left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, etc., and you eventually get to fuck her and watch the “pleasure meter” increase as you wait and click on “slow,” “fast,” “hard,” “cum,” when each becomes available. BORING! They`re all the same fucking thing! People complain about this game, but at least it`s something different!

  • avatar

    i dont get it cant figure out what to do

  • avatar

    this game is differance cant figure out what to do

  • avatar

    No bad but not really up to the quality of the other games on this site.

  • avatar

    Nice game and funny ! good job

  • avatar

    gameplay, graphics, animations are good

  • avatar

    don`t know what is all this, don`t know how to play.

  • avatar

    There`s one flaw and It`s the fact that thing barely even works. Graphics suck, idea sucks, and everything sucks. Not worth wasting your time.

  • avatar

    i think this game is the best

  • avatar

    how do you get the sling shot

  • avatar

    Dificutily game for beginner in rpg stily

  • avatar

    very very bad, should be taken down, not worth the space

  • avatar

    kinda creepy and stuck in a dark room cant get out

  • avatar

    bad game and bad animation

  • avatar

    gameplay, graphics, animations are good

  • avatar

    this game is the worst game that I have ever played, on this sight or any other!!! I was able to finish the game in under an hour and didn`t like the graphics or gameplay. Who ever made this game should stop making games because, their sense of what is sexy is seriously demented. I think the game should be removed from this sight because, it gives Play Force 1 a bad image as asexual game sight! There is nothing sexy about this game, period. Enough said!

  • avatar

    I think the graphics and animations are quite funny…in a disturbing kind of way. Don`t have the patience to play the whole way through though.

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