Spam Land

Game rating 67.00%
Views 199520
Comments 136

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Comments (136)

  • avatar

    this was weird extreemly weird but i couldnt progress because of the fact theres no prompts for anything and you cant move backwards

  • avatar

    WOW dident get this one fully i`ll try again later

  • avatar

    Well that was the weirdest game I have ever played on here. I cannot recommend it.

  • avatar

    cute not really entertaining

  • avatar

    Nice game, graphics could be better but its not the usual stroke here stroke there and so on. I like it

  • avatar

    This is a horrible game that does not belong on your site.

  • avatar

    the animation is not so bad but playing the game is fun

  • avatar

    bad graphics and the game is too confusing

  • avatar

    hmm i had a trouble opening what was supposed to be a door (from it looked like) i tried click it with finger, d*ck, urine, and tongue/kiss actions but the door wont budge. the graphic was decent, reminded me of handheld doom games

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