Space Slut Slim
Game rating
Comments (732)
Not that bad of a game just takes a bit to finish probably just a one time play.
Nice slot-machine, good to play once, repetita not juvant.
the more I play it, the more I like it…
Have to admit, slightly addictive, couldn`t stop playing till I reached the end!!
Nice till you reach the point when you have all the unlockables, then it`s pointless to keep playing!
great game but a littl tricky
Slow game, pirate comes up way too much. But not too bad. Like some of the unlockables.
Love the whole slot machine mix with hot slut!!!
very fun game it takes quite a while though and i hate galactic bandits
well a nice but become boring
that is a good game fun and addictive but lacking in grafics
I don`t get it, you keep spinning and then? its a bit funny though..
this is a hard game, but still hot
Not much point to it. It just takes time to finish. Graphics are great either.
Funny game, but too repetittive
never expected it to be this fun and exciting but still worth the time
really good game just tookto long
Nice game, but an option to fight against those annoying pirates would be better.
A fairly decent game for its type. The pirate attacks occurred way too often for what they were. Random events are fine but not when they happen every couple of spins, sometimes several in a row. Disappointing ending, it felt really abrupt and unfinished
fun game but weird looking ending
kinda dull… if you could interact with the girl, it might make the game more fun
a bit boring – but good time killer
hope episode 2 is better
Nice game a good time killer!
I have played beter games 🙂
funny game with great girl
too many pirate attacks, not enough action
pirated attack way to often.
Fun for those horny fuckers who like slots (me sometimes) but not a “I need sex” game
It`s one of the better slot machines. Just didn`t care for the ending.
Decent game, could have better graphics
lovely game. I like that kind of game…gimme more
Well made game that is ultimately too light on content. Good ideas but at the end of the day remais a slot machine game with all the limitations that implies.
I don`t like this kind of Games
Just another slot game. The Zero-G option was nice, though.
graphics are good, simple game play. liked it
Nice girl, but pirates are overdone.
This is good for what it is, but the space pirates pop up way too often! It took a long time to get to the end, but it was fun, and the options were interesting. The girl is great, but it would have been nice to have more variety.
Good one to the pass the time.
bad game u just got to see the ugly women and do nothing with her
nice game 🙂
Iplayed it for about 2 hours!
love this game i play it all the time
im only commenting so i can get points ;D
This game is awesome! ;D i
its a good game but its get boring after a while
Not too bad of a game. Graphics good. Got boring after a little while.
Not bad, but gets a bit boring after while
easy game and girl is not bad either
addictive game, couldn`t stop clicking to get to the end
Waste of time. There will be much better games.
pretty fun to unlock everything