Space Paws 0.38.2

Game rating 76.80%
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  • avatar

    i love this game. it is very fun and sexy

  • avatar

    The graphic is actually better than expectation. But I`m stuck at the blowjob any help?

  • avatar

    I enjoyed the game alot but If the game can turn into full screen so there will be double fun…..

  • avatar

    I like making the girls so submissive the game is really awesome

  • avatar

    Off topic from the game but, does anyone know which kind of images I can use to update my profile picture? I have tried a few and each one won`t work.

  • avatar

    Im not into furry, but I have to admit the great graphics in this one. Whoever the creator is, he puts his heart into this.

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    OMG I love this game so much !!!

  • avatar

    great game. nice having options on which direction to do

  • avatar

    Plays well on Chrome. Good game with multiply endings

  • avatar

    A fun game with good graphic

  • avatar

    Wow that was a fun game, can`t wait for the next update to release

  • avatar

    Great graphics, can`t wait to see more

  • avatar

    enjoy the game very much. cant wait for next update

  • avatar

    nice game i give oit ten out ta ten

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    So, I was going to have a much more thourogh comment, but then it crashed and I didn`t feel like re-typing it, so here is what I had saved, mainly riddle answers, so if you don`t want to trial and error, here they are.

    Merchantâ??s riddles:
    1) A Stick?
    2) d
    3) What?
    4) Your mother!
    5) Tomorrow

    Cat Guards:
    1) [To strong cat] Oh! So â?? you, are the boss right?
    2) [To skinny cat] But is he always the one who speaks?
    3) [To skinny cat] I bet heâ??s always the one who sees everything firstâ??
    4) The sight is not the problem, dude. He instills more respect
    5) Hey! Wait! The most important thing is â?? Why is his weapon bigger than yours?

    Capture and pour the solar scream: Yellow
    Give me the luck of a hundred men: Green
    I will need Mushroomâ??s juice of the Widow Forest: Purple
    The wicked and the evil shall walk toward me: Black
    I will shine thanks to the fireâ??s essence: Red
    Take the peace of the sky and bring it to me: Blue
    For the purity of the innocence was stolen: White
    And the dawn will join me: Orange

    Final Romance Questions:
    1) Thereâ??re 2. One hidden and one visible
    2) Your accent & suit
    3) Thereâ??s one of the biggest rivers
    4) Itâ??s where the essence of life is
    5) Neftet
    6) To be with you

    1) Loryns
    2) Manifus
    3) Oranges
    4) 912
    5) I went once
    6) I want to kiss you

    Alison`s Diary Code
    CaNdY CaNe
    206039 2010

    Dreams after reading Alison`s Diary:
    Dream 1
    Pick up key
    Back to start
    Unlock door

    Dream 2
    Pick up Key
    Back to start
    Unlock door

    Dream 3
    Pick up Key
    Unlock door

  • avatar

    good game nice gamplay and graphic and prettty nice animation

  • avatar

    Very good game. I like the story guide. The graphics are nice.

  • avatar

    My advise for this game is to reach 50 on every stat on the first days(knowledge is maybe the exception, I don`t remember if anywhere ask you to have this stat over 35). For any branch you want to follow you need the bracelet that the queen ask you to get her so you can do this and go to the cat planet to begin the branch with Nebet.
    To get the scene with that shy girl with red hood you need to talk to her once before day 13 and go to where she is supposed to be on day 13 and talk with her aunts.
    The best route when visiting places with Nebet are the Oasis(you´ll need Strenght over 40 to unlock the minigame), the Canyon(take the liana to use as rope) and the Badlands(Charm 50 or over to unlock sex scene) in that order.

  • avatar

    That game is pretty good. need more.

  • avatar

    The game fails to start for me

  • avatar

    Could be better, it always seems like it is loading.

  • avatar

    game was a bit slow but graphics were good

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    I`m stuck in the game at the part where yo finish the potion, please help!

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    I want that human girl

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