Space Paws 0.38.2

Game rating 76.80%
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  • avatar

    That is a great game, but i hope the loading is not hard anymore

  • avatar

    Load screens will not properly load in IE. Try Google or Firefox.

  • avatar

    Can`t get anywhere with Ali. Can get her out of her room after babysitting the kids, but nothing after that. Please help.

  • avatar

    Its ok for an incomplete game buut i want to see more bjs and deepthroats

  • avatar

    Good game but need to be able to finish it.

  • avatar

    Has much potential, keep up the good work! My one suggestion / request would be to replace the white flashing used to convey orgasm to simply white cum gushing / dripping out, which is very sexy (more so than the over used “money shot” of cum shooting on body parts IMHO). The current white flashing is unnatural and disorienting.

  • avatar

    a game with some potantial! the animations are good and the charachters are well writtens! I love this game

  • avatar

    I enjoyed this game a lot actually, the puzzles seemed a bit long to me but were solvable. I also wish there was a bit more variety and animation/ parts to the sex scenes but otherwise I truly enjoyed the game and can`t wait for part 2

  • avatar

    Indeed it is quite good for an incomplete game. I would sugest more vareity on the sex cenes. Some blow jobs and tit jobs should be nice to see!

  • avatar

    Not bad for an incomplete game. But, I would have to agree with some that the puzzle part is a bit long. Other than that, can`t wait for the final version.

  • avatar

    Good game, works well on Chrome and still has a lot of potential, the puzzle seems a bit too long and feels like a momentum loss, 8/10 so far

  • avatar

    how can i find the key to unlock the door

  • avatar

    good game so far but it froze at the cabin

  • avatar

    we want more games like this one plz

  • avatar

    cool game over here so good

  • avatar

    White screen, and nothing

  • avatar

    can some one send the walkthrough

  • avatar


  • avatar

    Love it. There`s not a huge amount of sex but that`s fine because this is actually an all round enjoyable game with some sex thrown into the mix. Funny, smart, and witty with some good story telling.

    Taifun Riders, please keep working at it because I`m sure I`m not the only one who would like to see it tied up! (just as a side note, I loved the *blam*, but I didn`t think it was consistent with the intro dialog)

    Disclaimers: It works great on Chrome and it`s a work in progress far enough along that you don`t realise until you reach a “to be continued”

  • avatar

    Was very good but sadly stop too soon

  • avatar

    I`ve seen people talking about a diary and following a route with Alison but I can`t find it anywhere? Help??

  • avatar

    The storage room is the last door on the right in the spaceship and the diary is on the very bottom to the left of the cabinet door. And you talk to the old dog on the left in the market place to see the queen after you babysit his pups.

  • avatar

    i can only find one ending…

  • avatar

    Guys, the game has been tested on this site and works fine in Chrome.
    DON`T USE FIREFOX to avoid endless loading screens.
    You can also download the game from our blog (main menu screen, orange B button).

  • avatar

    I get to ending one with the queen as my girlfriend but that`s all..all the other endings with the cat people and the dream after i unlock the diary just end the game.. anybody know how to get to the any other endings

  • avatar

    the game is really good, awesome story, but freezes in parts

  • avatar

    this was a really good game until it froze on me. can`t wait to see what it will look like as it progresses.

  • avatar

    hard to make a decent review or rating for an incomplete game… so far I like it.

  • avatar

    Its a good game , but it locks up after you unlock the diary and find the key in the dream to unlock the door. It freezes there.

  • avatar

    I think its a good game but it locks up in one place when I am in with all the cat woman

  • avatar

    where is the storage room? i cant find the diary

  • avatar

    i gave it 75

    it is simple good and interesting with lots of little puzzles that wasn`t too hard but interesting
    the reason i didn`t rate it high was the game has no end story it still seems half way done.

    if it had a real end id rate it higher

    keep working on it please

  • avatar

    this game isn`t that much exciting

  • avatar

    the code for her diary is 2060392010

  • avatar

    Interesting game. Cool graphics. Too bad it does not work normally

  • avatar

    Figured out the diary, have impregnated both Alison and the Queen, and done the Cat Temple, but the game ends after any one of them. That`s why I gave it a 70.

  • avatar

    Had three dates with the Queen, and made her pregnant. The password for the Girl`s diary is weird. Nothing in the library except the Atomic Chart, and I`m not going to work out the molarity of every possible combination of elements in the words caNdy caNe.

  • avatar

    Need help cant get past the cat priestess who cuts me up and dont know where to get refernces

    any help would be appreciated

  • avatar

    I tried a couple of times choosing different options and every time the loading screen comes on it just keeps loading. I hope this issue gets resolved for mozilla. I would like to very much finish the game and see the possible outcomes 🙂

  • avatar

    This will be a good game once all the bugs have been sorted out.

  • avatar

    Here the developers!
    Thanks for playing the game!
    This version of the game loads external content. Firefox doesn`t allow to load “http” addresses , only “https”. Chrome does, that`s the reason why we strongly recommend to play the game on Chrome, or download it from our blog (main menu button) .We haven`t checked other browsers.
    About the next button issue, we`re studying why it happens but we`re pretty sure that it has to do with the ads of this site. The next button is where there`s an ad (bottom right corner) and it blocks it. Just zoom out until the next button is clickable, or just play it somewhere else.
    Anyway, this is an alpha version. We`re trying different options and studying which is the best one. Sorry for the issues.

  • avatar

    Looks like a fun game..
    Also got the same bug with endless loading screen…
    Hopefully there will be a fix soon!!?

  • avatar

    The developers suggest Chrome to play this game. Not sure why that`s the only one.

  • avatar

    Trying to play on safari, the arrow button doesn`t work, I can`t get off the intro.

  • avatar

    Not a bad game, but it`s buggy as hell. I`ve tried on multiple browsers and had the same infinite loading screen glitch, plus had a piece of the puzzle freeze so it couldn`t be completed.

  • avatar

    According to their page on Newgrouds, Firefox won`t load the external scenes so those not using something else are screwed.

  • avatar

    Seems like it might be a good game but I am also having problems with infinite loading screens.

  • avatar

    Nice looking new game, liked it.

  • avatar

    games seems to be stuck for me .. i get to sex scene wit priestess in cat city and the witch`s young niece but it just goes into a loading screen and never loads .. fun game but the uzzle for the queen in the dog city is way too hard to do IMOP .. spent 30 mins and still couldnt figure it out

  • avatar

    This game is really good.I like it alot.

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