Sim Brothel
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Comments (286)
game is great took me a while to figure out how it works but love it you can use equiment, ability points, advertising, ranking up etc. to be successful also find it more money comes from girls with high charisma wish it was longer but otherwise a favorite of mine
Very long game, with lots of great art, though most of it is dated. Very enjoyable a little at a time!
Excellent Game, addictive classic, love it. Lacks some kind of info regarding the game mchanics, but still my favourite
it is a good game because its nice
I flipping HATE this game!
wow, i remember this game from way back when too. love this style of gaming
Nice mixture of management and sexyness. Awesome game. 🙂
Remember this one from a long time ago, but it`s amazing how well it still holds up
love this game. Highly addictive and I can`t stop.
i hadnt a clue what to do so i gave up
quite fun. could use a bit more pics though
Great simdate game, one of the bests games that I played
Its okay not the best one ive played tho
there was a lot more to this game than i anticipated, kinda surprising
nice pics, very funny and very interesting quest. A real good game!
Challenging and fun game! Nice pics too!
nice, but old-fashioned gameplay
fun game to play at first but after a while gets real old and boring fast.
interesting but not that exciting.
good game , wont get bored even played few times, many great pics and fun management game
this game to me was kinda boring it has a good story line and everything but its just plain…
Ok game, too long, but fun.
Boored game i didnt even finish the game.
Great game, loved every minute of it. So many cute little witches. Would love to see another like this.
Love this game. Could play it for hours.
great game, maybe a little bit long, but it is still ok
We need more games like this.
Good game. A little long. I thought Normal was easy. Lots of hot pics.
I wasn`t so fond of this game. It is done well, just not my thing. I can see why others like it.
this is a very addicting game. i fell like i can play it forever.
Can play this game forever.
You may have to log on to the site.
I like the game, however saves seem to vanish between sessions< Did I miss some way to access old saves. I have been loading game from favorites page
addictive game, very nice to play
pas mal du tout pas mal du tout
this game is awesome, but im having trouble can someone help me?
this is great game… i loved so much…
PLZ i really need some help i am missing something
can any1 tell me how to make my girl earn money what am i doing wrong
i dont understand this game
good game but a bit confusing
Dear Stubaby!
Please follow this in order.
1. Click on the Girl list
2. Sellect your Girl (later girls)
3. Click on the “Choose Where she will work” button
4. Then you must see this “Old shack far away”. Click on it and start the life 😉
man i was on day 190 and my game didn`t save for the next day. i have to start all over!!!!!
Awesome perhaps best game ever. Ilike seeing the pictures of the girls at the result of their work. Very good. I like the managerial gameplay. More pics more stances. Music. Very good game in total.
The problem of this game is that when genius turn,s out psychopat. there is no logik. Missions are wierd.You need therapie.
I hate mijzelf because I,m addicted to this game.!
entertaining could use an update or a sequal. great way to kill an afternoom.
this game to me was kinda boring it has a good story line and everything but its just plain
I played this gama over and over. and I
Srategy, OK!, Graphics,OK!
There is no logic in this game!
The only conclusion about this game is: PERVERSION!!!! There is no more fun about it!
Its a shame, because Play Force One is EALLY GREAT!!
Its a SHAME!!
What a game!! You became addicted. Fisrt you think WHOOOO!! But then It turns weird. You bhy houses, expensive equipement,high rankingetc,etc. Then they become sick, don,t want to work, mission impossible!!!Imagine you,r addicted but you can,t find it.
Is there a kind of wakhthroug?
Enyway, I,l keep trying
Maybe later a new, more sofisticeted version? I hoop so.
But on thing for sure. You do a great job.If you need some help let me nohw
Sorry for my english
Difficult at first but very entertaining and even addictive.