Sim Brothel

Game rating 85.30%
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Comments (286)

  • avatar

    Enjoyable game even if long.

  • avatar

    dis game is 2 complicated

  • avatar

    This game has always been one of my favorites. Unexpected characters, and a fun mechanic.

  • avatar

    This game is amazing, im so addicted to it right now

  • avatar

    good games p.s if anyone can find a site where you could play the second version without downloading it would be much apperciated, the second version is called sim brothel 2

  • avatar

    a very good game indeed. not soooo on the sexual, but fun to waste time on.

  • avatar

    great game, but you need a lot of time for playing.

  • avatar

    good game lots of girls to choose from

  • avatar

    Great game and good graphic

  • avatar

    Sim Brothel is a very good game, cool idea and love the girls, missions are easy if you focus on them. Once you get into the swing of things it become much easier. Takes a long time to complete a game.

  • avatar

    Good game but needs more player interaction.

  • avatar

    I enjoyed this game but sometimes it was difficult to press certain buttons with the mouse.

  • avatar

    Kind of long but worth the effort. Good graphics.

  • avatar

    way too long for the payoff

  • avatar

    Sim Brothel is such a sexy game.

  • avatar

    I like this game a lot. I come back here from time again. I have heard there is a version 2 in the works 🙂

  • avatar

    the game becomes a bit repetetive after a while- but it is still a lot of fun, although there are only very few graphics

    but still one of my favourites

  • avatar

    a bit confusing ……graphics wer so so

  • avatar

    I really enjoyed this one….please get more like it….GREAT!!!!!!

  • avatar

    Good game, easy to pick up, and fairly addictive. I didn`t even realize how long this game was until more than an hour had passed by.

  • avatar

    Lengthy game but well worth the effort.

  • avatar

    a long game but its very nice and funny

  • avatar
    tv dornholzhausen

    Is a good Game I Play it many times and i find it not boring will Play it more

  • avatar

    Good game, more polished graphix with better pictures would been make this almost perfect.

  • avatar

    A classic Sim Game – Long and Detail oriented.. But well put together w/ few bugs overall.

    Fun if you`ve got some time to kill.

  • avatar

    takes forever but its all worth it

  • avatar

    good game play like the long games

  • avatar

    good game played a few tiimes

  • avatar

    Excellent looking, great visuals as always!

  • avatar

    i like this game! challenging enough

  • avatar

    Is this a Guide for a blog for hentai sim brothel :(Easy Mode).

    guide (easy mode)
    (missions are random but they are pretty easy)
    go to management right away to use a joker on day one (they will be there every week) always try to choose the other option besides gold unless u need gold
    When you get a special joker never take the gold if u need gold take the girl and sell it.
    remember to always pick a place for a girl to work or do something.
    Remmeber to always go to ur girl and change her price when her stats are upped.
    always check if you can rank up ur girl since this will significantly raise her price and its useful in the long run for ur mission
    always rank up for when shes maxed she makes 600 per customer.
    always try to get experience ability it helps alot cuz refinement takes so much to up
    Remember to complete the missions DONT FORGET

    helpful tip from a viewer!
    Some more tips: The ceremony/school price is tied to a girl`s rank. It`s much cheaper to train a girl at rank 1 (40g/20g). From above, training at rank one is much cheaper than buying items. Ex: Item: Luxurious Kimono, 1000g, +20 Charm, +10 Ref Training: 5-6x Dance School, 3-4x Ceremony, 8-10x Wages -> 6*20g + 4*40g + 10*25g = 450g And with the training you get bonuses to Con and Joy to boot. While training does take time, the idea is to buy and train the girl _before_ you need her. If you can time the training to finish as you buy new space, you essentially need no extra time.

    1 COMMENT:

    JoeSeptember 4, 2010 at 4:42 PM
    Some more tips:

    The ceremony/school price is tied to a girl`s rank. It`s much cheaper to train a girl at rank 1 (40g/20g).

    From above, training at rank one is much cheaper than buying items. Ex:
    Item: Luxurious Kimono, 1000g, +20 Charm, +10 Ref
    Training: 5-6x Dance School, 3-4x Ceremony, 8-10x Wages -> 6*20g + 4*40g + 10*25g = 450g
    And with the training you get bonuses to Con and Joy to boot.

    While training does take time, the idea is to buy and train the girl _before_ you need her. If you can time the training to finish as you buy new space, you essentially need no extra time.

  • avatar

    hot and sexy game like it tooo much

  • avatar

    I thought it was going to be way better. It really is one big build up with a cute ending PG13 kinda of stuff

  • avatar

    very nice game, I like it

  • avatar

    Completely addictive and very, very hot.

  • avatar

    good long game, girls are not that good,,, but i kind of liked

  • avatar

    i think this game was good but little old style but still good scenes

  • avatar

    very good game …. although old

  • avatar

    one of the greatest game i played i keep playing over and over

  • avatar

    I really like this game! Unlike most of the games on here, this one is a real *game* – with strategy and decisions and risks and rewards. You`re not just following a script.

    A few complaints:
    1. There are parts where the English translation is off, and sometimes in a way that makes the game a bit unclear and confusing.
    2. Some of the missions seem too hard and others way too easy.
    3. I can`t seem to get the Advertising to work. Or maybe I just haven`t figured out what it takes to get the customers in consistently.
    4. It would be nice to have a few strategy hints, maybe. When is it worth it to send girls to school or have a ceremony? How much can you expect advertising to help? What`s the upside to buying more rooms and other upgrades to buildings? What determines the awarding of Abilities and Ability Points? (I`ve got a few girls with lots of extra ability points but not enough abilities to use them on!)

  • avatar

    didn`t work wiyh me .. stop at start point.

  • avatar

    Good game, but can get very repetitive.

  • avatar

    Can`t get the `save` to work.

  • avatar

    It`s a good thing that the game has a save feature. It takes a while to get the game going, but once you have set up a groove that works well with the girls you have it becomes so much easier to make a lot of money. The addition of having missions also works well.

  • avatar

    This one is probably my favorite.

    I prefer not to have too many girls.

  • avatar

    The game is fun! At first it`s a bit hard, but at the end is easier. Sometimes the mission was too hard.

  • avatar

    good animation, i like the game.

  • avatar

    Epic, if ever a game deserved a sequel!

  • avatar

    it`s a difficult game.but i think this is agood game.graphic is not bed.

  • avatar

    great game. reeeally long, but still fun. nice mixture between sexyness and management.

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