Shared Tsunade Sex
Game rating
Comments (30)
i guess it`s ok, pretty simple and short though
In my opinion this is a bit strange game. Short also
liked the graphics but the story could have been better.
A no brainer. Just a lot of mouse clicking and moving.
Too short, and the title was more promising.
not my kind of game, but if you like simple no brainers help yourself
Bit boring… there is no choice at all
this is a cool game just wished it was a lil longer
Nice game but i think the boys form the hidden leaf village could have gotten a lot more out of there session with Tsunade.
poor game, too easy to finish
Some interesting scenes but rather linear
game was okay… naruto shoud have use his skills to double himself to have someone carry tsunade for some good positions…
Un juego entretenido me gusto
abit weird when you think of naruto fucking his aunt….although i didn`t think tsunade was his aunt….overall it was like a 3/10
i like this game
It was a VERY good game
not much to do straight game but nice graphics
game was okay could be better animation, and story
Hmm, better than i thought, but story could have been better.
Got it up, but not much interaction though
I still do not know why people keep calling this a game! There is no choice to make what so ever! It really sucks!
need more nice concept, but its ok
Never like this kind of game, the grafics is ok but too boring!
great fun but needs to be longer
this game need`s alot of help,it`s awful
Game is ok but played better
I found this to be terrible in every way..
Not really a great game but it`s ok
haha nice little game, too short
below average by all means
Not one of my favorite games. Rather disappointed in this MNF game. They usually do much better.
really is not up to the usual play force one quality but still fun
The theme is a no-go.
Absolutely not suitable for a game.
not a very good game….it should include some choices….n plz use better graphics….
love the concept but a little too short
Boring or not I`m glad there is somebody out there making games for free.
The Tsunade series is hysterical. Great game. Thanks.
good game play and graphics
it`s too short and boring game…
its anice game and agood story
i like these kinds of games
Terrible game. This is beneath you, PF1!
Good to kill time. Hot lady. Not enough challenge and over way too soon.
boring game should be more to do
poor game; didn`t like the concept and the action is a little obvious
Rotten game! Could have been better. But, then I despise just about any game that involves rape.
It is a boring game, but its better than the original in my opinion.
Nice looking new game, liked it.
its a bit boring…nothing to decide
OMG, isnt a real new one and this game its very basic… you can do better PF1!!!
this is a really stupid game 🙁