Sexy College Quiz
Game rating
Comments (99)
Great little game. Could be longer, more girls, larger variety of questions. AS is, great graphics, sexy girls, cute game.
nice need more quiz games
pretty good could have more girls like cruise game but girls change locations at random so open up options
there are some girls in the game who does not interact with the guy?
nice game,i not enjoyed it but i REALLY enjoyed it..
This is a great game i wish it was longer
the question is challenging enough
good game
it`s no good game . it`s easy and no hot
Nothing really special but it`s okay, I guess.
Nice game! Great girls and good graphics!
really a great game, good graphic, good animation and nice boobies
Except those beautiful girls, Im learn a lot for the quiz session as well.
I enjoyed this. Got to love huge tits
You`d hope it had more depth,especially with Delilah.
I really enjoyed this one….please get more like it….GREAT!!!!!!
Fun quiz game but linear as hell.
Not a bad game, but not great. I think the dean of the college wasn`t even the sexiest of the girls either.
good game questions are to hard for me but a good challenging game none the less
Very different but any other games. Actually finished some of them on the first try without getting them wrong. All it needs is better graphics and animations and it`ll be perfect.
nice game with many hot girls its cool
Great Graphics and animation,just a bit boring with game play
hot and sexy game like it tooo much
Very nice game! Great Girls and good Graphics!
Fun game with nice girls and good animations…i liked the quiz part as well.
Good graphics and good girls
the game was fun but the question where hard
like the bodies, good graphics
questions are hard, but good game
decent graphics, not too hard questions
Not too hard, with reasonable graphics
art work is good animation is kinda poor overall decent game
Good game! Brings a whole new meaning to sex-ed!!!
Gotta have brains for this one or being willing to keep at it. Not too bad.
Animations weve very impressive 🙂
why are there extraneous girls?!?! why cant you do them too?
i love fucking this girls nice game hot and sexy
great concept but the gane is to easy and short
great game,niceandtoo easy
difficult question, but a very good game of its kind
best!!best!!best!!ever adventure game…beutyfull girl and awsome tit,,it is great storyline
standard meet n fuck. no way to lose, quite hot though.
great game, nice graphs, lovely girls and a nice diversity of questions
Very nice game and hot babes.
Really, really good graphics.
the best games i have ever play
Great Game, very fun and interesting.
It´s a little too linear, you can only get the girls in the others they were programed in, still, well above average for a flash game. Two thumbs up 🙂
Quite fun. Challenging in places? Not really!
A bit hard, but really nice!
the quizes are hard but its worth it