Sexy College Quiz
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Comments (99)
the girl from the pool and the beach are hot and great game
There are a lot of interesting questions. it`s a good game, the girls are beautiful!
nice game, great art, but the dialogues could be better
nice game, but a little too easy perhaps.
I really love this game, girls are really hot.
Loved this game, better than SAT tests, rewards seem better in the short term
Why didn`t I go to a College like this??
i really love this hentay games
why..why…why do the girls always have large mammaries
another great game from mnf
as always great graphics and nice questions
I love the graphics and the challenge of these types of games!
It`s a good game, as well as playing it needs certain basic knowledge to achieve the objectives.
Good graphics, nice game.
Its the same over and over again. Mnf gets a bit boring.
Nice scenes although I flunked some tests
Pretty good graphix; but I could do with additional choices for paths.
A fun game with great graphics and story line and it didn`t hurt that the chicks were hot!
Average graphics, but I`m starting to get bored of quiz games
Nice game and the questions were actually challenging as well
i hate game where is quiz but this is cool
I like game where people have to thinking
Great Game, very fun and interesting.
This is a great game, very funny an hot
a very nice game nice pix one of the best
nice questions, good graphics and great game!!!
good question along with great graphic
great game
nice game great idea for the story
nice game but it could have been better. but altogether fun to play
fun game but it should have more “prize” action
Fun little game! Could be better with more open playing options but still fun,
excellent game, wish there were more like it
Great game, very nice ending
Enjoyed this game it got my mind working and even the animation although simple is really good.
great story line. i found it interesting how you were quizzed in order to have sex with them but the graphics were really good too.
i love this game……it`s very beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
a little bit of thinking while playing games is always fun. although i do find that games that distract you while your answering questions has its own rewards.
Not a bad game, you better know your studies or it will take awhile to get through it. Good Graphics nice story line
Very nice, some questions are challenging which is nice, scene are a bit one-sided though
an absolutly , repetative, boring game. i have nothing else to say about it.
OK game. Funny how some of the answers changed on questions when u missed and had to retake.
game was gd but it was abit to long lol
good question along with great graphic
great game has some of the best flash games; this is no exception.
omg tities tities tities 😀
Nice game…Cool graphics… like the ending very much….
not bad for graphics. but can be much better. and the questions are a bit tough
fun game and all the girls are HOT and you can learn while playing
Another fine product from the friendly folks at MnF.
This is a great game, very funny an hot