Sexy chick puzzled 2

Game rating 61.80%
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Comments 584

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Comments (584)

  • avatar

    game play, graphics, animations sucks lame game

  • avatar

    Not one of the better games on the site!

  • avatar

    poor game graphics are like child. only 6 step…..
    25% max

  • avatar

    artwork is nice, but the game is fairly annoying

  • avatar

    Intellectually its not really demanding. fine pictures. I had expected some sliding in the puzzle part

  • avatar

    It becomes boring at the end…

  • avatar

    Diverting for a few minutes, but not much fun to be had I`m afraid.

  • avatar

    BLAH… this game and games like this just don`t hold water when compared to some of the other great games coming out lately.

  • avatar

    Ok, nice graphics. (if you like Retro Style) But that´s all. the game is too short and not really interessting. It is as easy as it is boring.

  • avatar

    that was too easy and too short.

  • avatar

    I like the artwork. Game isn`t overly difficult, but it is what it is…a fun little diversion

  • avatar

    err, i dont think that this one is special, but quite enough to kill some times while waiting the other games loaded :p

  • avatar

    Very boring and too short

  • avatar

    Not great, but not bad to kill some time

  • avatar

    Well, it may be because it was introduced at this site at the same time as the almost perfect “Getting to know Christine” game, but this game was certainly not up to the usual standards expected from Play Force One. I have nothing against puzzle games per se, but this one was a poor entry for that genre. The artwork is pretty bad, which makes it very hard to find all the tiny insignificant differences between them, and the so-called jigsaw puzzles simply consisted of twisting pieces to their correct orientation; they are already in the correct places in the picture. What`s the point of that? All in all, a short and pretty boring game, not worthy of space on this excellent website.

  • avatar

    beautiful pictures, but too short!!

  • avatar

    The art was ok but didn`t like the game

  • avatar

    It was kind of fun to play. It was also just a little to easy.

  • avatar

    ticky tack differences in the pictures and jigsaw is way too easy.

  • avatar

    The game is not bad! But it is too short!

  • avatar

    Awful game very much wasn`t pleasant to me, as such it was possible to load, games all are good but is to steam of exceptions

  • avatar

    this game not so ineresting as it is boring

  • avatar

    very short and very boring game…….and the pics were not at all sexy…

  • avatar

    pictures not sexy enough, game too short and boring

  • avatar

    okay i guess, but nothing really new

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