Sexy chick puzzled 2
Game rating
Comments (584)
Great art, but not very difficult. The hardest part was finding which way the pieces fit for the grass.
Interesting game. I found it pleasing that it required some thought to procceed. I think it`s a bit small. Finally it could use some kind of reward after you solve each puzzle. Thank you.
Puzzles were a bit easy. But the art was fantastic
Umm, Good but, not my type though. But good idea anyway.
Definetly not my kind of game. ..
the switch the puzzle game is very ease and fast…the other take a bit time
Really liked the pictures, but the gameplay was a bit dull
Nice pictures. Same type of puzzles. Not very challenging. 4/10
super boring game lads 🙁
Didn`t care for the graphics
funny and hard sexy game to play
Very interesting puzzles to solve !
sexy puzzle but i think more before
A little short, but it`s nice
Cool game. Pics could have been better.
Good idea.
A pity that the pics are rather unatractive.
ok game, a bit boring though… nice pictures
This game was horrid in general 🙁
This game is boring, but the image aren`t bad
Not bad but needs more levels
A bit too short, could do with more level, and wider range of challenges.
Good game, but a little to short.
The game is good but need more levels is to easy
Excellent and fun game. I enjoyed this a lot!
Quite bad pictures & boring a lot
this game is good bus a little bit borning
The artwork isnt very good, and the limited amount of games is quite boring, oh well.
Great art work very detailed work.
repetitive music though the rest was okay.
The jigsaw puzzles were far too easy but the spot the difference games did get harder
I like the puzzles I just was hoping for more of them
this game is actually pretty funny, too bad it`s so short though…
This game is a little simple but sort of fun too. I t has some nice pictures to solve.
im very neutral about this game cause it involves thinking but theres no action
i very like it illustration
too short, a bit boring, graphic not excellent, there`s room for improvement .
SO- So type of game. played once don`t think I would play again
its okay but not as good as it could be
could had did better on this game
imple game and im not quite like the pics
kind of hard to get going
Quite bad pictures & boring a lot
Not a very good game, rather boring
got a little boring at the end but otherwise a ok game
In my opinion the pictures are rather badly drawn with a boring, repetitive gameplay and recycling of the same pictures.
not the kind of the game that i like
I think that this is a very hard game
There is any way to get those images and similar arts?
My girlfriend likes these spot the difference games and play them all the time. I could take or leave it but it was fun for a change.
ok game alright graphics