Sensual Experiment
Game rating
Comments (765)
The game that started me on playing these types of games. Love this one.
old game, old graphics…doesn`t work that much
shit game shit graphicsrn
Use the word help if you really can`t figure it out.
good game to putts around with. alot of searching and mistakes to get the brunett comfortable
fun game makes me kinda miss sharks lagoon
Use the word help if you really can`t figure it out. Another great Shark Lagoon game good sex with great story. Now where do we find friends like this.rnrn
Not bad for an older Shark game. Hard to find correct sequences
great game hope more like this come soonrn
Favorite games of all time. This game got me started playing these types of games. Good graphics and gameplay
this game is ok a little boring
Great game. One of my all time favorites
great girls, but difficult to find hot spots. Walktrough??
Great Game, a lot of potential for further games
Very tough on IPad… animations are very nice, though.