Seductive RPG: Swim Team
Game rating
Comments (641)
this game was pretty entertaining
gameplay was incredible!! Training the girls was half the fun and screwing them was even more fun. It`s too bad the sex scenes were limited to one position but maybe if there is a part two there can be more positions and more girls to have sex with.
wasnt the best game good graphics though
Great game, loving the character designs.
bon jeu un peut difficle a comprendre mais excellent
have to think too much…i lose my temper too fast for this game XD
very fun game! The girls were hot in it!
good game. very long and boring after a bit
great game, took a little bit to figure out
This game is HOT like hell. I`ll play this more often.
excellent game but once you figure out the secret to happiness it can get a little boring
Not a big fan of the longer games, but i still love this one
Great game, loving the character designs.
Awesome game. Girls are hot and the graphics are great.
Great story, but the scenes were a little bit desapointed
I thoroughly enjoy this game.
best… like the game so much..
cantek…game ini mmg best
man 1 of the better games here like how u have 2 make each girl good at 1 thing for the compation
awesome game, you`re great guys…thanks for this game. the graphics are great.
This game is Fantastic. If only real swimmers looked like that!
this game is one of the best out there
sadly real swimmers dont have big boobs
This Game is was great the graphics and storyline was great
i have to admit it, very good game
This game is really good. Graphics are just superb!!!
Liked this game because its easy and fun!
Great game but it little simple.
Good graphic.
This game is one of my favorites. It really makes you think esspecially for the competition.
Once you figure out, that candy rises happiness it is very easy game, just earn some money in the beginning and then buy one day about 15 candy and the other day all things from the gift shop and have all your girls train all the time in swimming.
usually i don`t rate high games from that site but this one is really good.
Decent content and a pretty ok idea but I;m not sold on the animations. They are very static and not all that intresting.
Ok game. I thought it was boring
great game
loved it and loved the site and the concept of the website it self
Passable, but if it`s too easy, it doesn`t really feel like a game.
Liked this game because its easy and fun!
I loved the girls in this game very hot
moar! this was so freakin sweet
good game i found it too easy
the girl i wanted to win didnt the other 2 won tho XD
7/10 wish it was a littler harder
great game could do better with the animations though
i really enjoy this game, very fun, hot girls..
ooops, I seem to have **SPOILER***
killed a girl
great gamee, lovee everything about it
good gamplay but difficult good graphics animation is great
love this tipe of good games
great game, missed a nice three or moresome at the ending if you win all competitions 🙂
Does anyone know how to get to a good ending where one of the girls wins? I keep loosing
This seires games r getting better and better! love it!