Seductive RPG: Swim Team
Game rating
Comments (641)
interesting, sure…not the worst graphics, intricate gameplay
Graphics are good so is the animation good game if you can understand it
Great game. Good graphics, good story, good gameplay. Definitely has a lot of potential.
pretty nice game, was a significant advance in this line of games
continue so
Not bad once you understand the path to take. The graphics are pretty good as well!
really nice game, a bit too easy for my taste but the girls are hot and the graphics are nice
it`s a really nice game an it`s really easy
It`s a pretty good game. Very simple to understand.
another very nice rpg, i like those games!
Kinda lame and easy… just make sure you know the map first and you can`t lose…
simple game,but I like does girls:)
not bad, fairly simple to win the game, maybe a little more variety in scenes
Great game but its little too easy. But the choice is great, the animation and the graphics too. A good overall.
Good game tho was expecting something more. Anyway nice girls tho doctor was tha best.
This Game is was great the graphics and storyline was great
Interesting for a medium style graphic game, very linear though…
It is pretty good i don` tmind it at all
Awesome game! I was wondering if you get with the doctor at the end. Hot girls and they all got 1st place. At the end it should let get together with all three if they get first place not just one.
i couldnt find the map until it was to late
cute game okay graphics and action fun
Was wondering if you get get back with the doctor at the end?
The game is good but could be harder…SExyy girls:)
good game got all girls to get first place
Awesome game. Played it a few times now. Good quality too.
one of my favs good graphics
nice game, good graphic and easy to play
enjoyable game with good graphics took me ages to notice map button at noon 8 out of 10
laba speele laba grafika un labs nobeigums
good game
good endings
nice graphics
good story
GOOooooD ….This game is preety easy but still fun to play and a little interesting
The game is good but could be harder
its good but not actually challenging
Spoiler Alert:
The map button can be found on the screen where you can choose to talk to the doctor or coaches in the upper right hand corner. it is the key to success. doping is unnecessary if you have the girls swim most days. candy and doctor visits to keep them replenished.
Great hentai game but to simple
nice game when you find out how to get flowers
this game takes so much time in loading
Kind of a slow loading screen but its worth it
Interesting game, finally found the map button to buy the flowers.
Interesting game. Has a lot of potential. Can`t figure out how to buy the flowers though. Possibly add a bit more variety than just simple training.
good game, easy to play, but need to play at least once before knowing what stats to get and what race to put them in
Nice to have a bit of stategy involved. So much better than just constantly clicking.
good game, good endings, nice graphics…
too easy but a very good game
this game is soooo hot, i didn`t manage get all three in the end but WOW 😀
this game had awsome graphics but was too short. I did loike the girls
Good game. Easy, but fun.
Good game, fun and easy. Not sure what to do with the laxative though.
The girls are hot, the game is smooth in transistion, graphics are excellent, interaction tools would be cool.
nice gane but too easy and short