Seductive RPG II

Game rating 73.70%
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Comments 51

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Comments (51)

  • avatar

    dont really like this game graphics are not that good you lose money
    to easy

  • avatar

    I ran out of money too soon as well. I`ll try again.

  • avatar

    an ok game,building stats is kinda new to these type of games,but its allrigth at least it would be if the sex scenes were better,a change of positisions would be nice,you dont really feel rewarded after using energy on building up to it. at least by the classy lady who requires looks and intelligence, at a very high level,shes kind of a drag when all comes down,i did expect more from her at least.there are some lively moments in it but not enough to tip the scale, 5/10

  • avatar

    I didn`t like this game. I ran out of money too soon.

  • avatar

    Too long and boring , not my way…

  • avatar

    Nice looking new game, liked it.

  • avatar

    Wauu ! Fantastic game and great

  • avatar

    Scenes are not rewarding enough, graphics are a joke… Not even great 2d graphics.
    The game iteself is a bit confusing because nothing is really explained as it should be. Lots of test an try to indestand what anyting does.

  • avatar

    some guides to make the game a bit easier

    Play console: Mood +5
    Sleep: Health +1
    Not to sleep for 1 day: Mood -5 Health -5
    Work as a freelancer: Intellect=40 required, Money +30 Intellect +1 Mood -7

    Walk: Mood +7
    Run: Strength +3
    Give $10 to beggar: Money -10 Luck +5
    Not to give: Luck -5
    May meet girl (name unknown), Intellect=50
    and Strength=50 to move on

    Club: Open at night
    Dance in a club: Money -20 Mood +25

    Bar: Marie, open from evening
    Mood=60 to move on
    Drink beer: Money -20 Health -5 Mood +20

    Corporation: Jane
    Intellect=90 and Style=90 to move on
    Work as a programmer: Intellect=70 Style=50 required,

    Trainings: Diana
    Style=50 to move on
    Pass a business training: Money -50 Intellect +10 Mood -5, costs 2 time periods

    Fitness Club: Dana (well try to distinguish

    from â??Dianaâ??â??)
    Strength=40 to move on
    Have a work out: Money -20 Strength +7 Mood -7

    Library: Closed at night
    Read books: Money -10 Intellect +5 Mood -3/4

    $200: Style +15

    $150: Style +10
    Work as a porter: Money +20 Mood -5

    Fight Club
    Have a work out: Money -30 Strength +9 Mood +4 Health -5, some days (4 or 6 so far) to

    prepare for competition
    Take part in competition:
    To win: Health -5 Money +??? (119 and 57 for 2 attemps so far, not quite sure)

    Heal your wounds: Money -50 Health +50, costs 3 time periods

    Own Business: Intellect=90 to unlock

  • avatar

    Too long and boring only moaning is good part of the game 🙁

  • avatar

    Girls are not hard to get and the scenes not much rewarding. Plus, the game just goes on forever, no ending, which is kinda pointless. It has its merits but overall, didn`t enjoy it much.

  • avatar

    Sleeping should restore more than one health considering how much health it takes to do things in the game

  • avatar

    great game really liked it

  • avatar

    I`ve reached an intellect of 1000 and still have no clue if there is an end to that game.
    I think i give up because of boredom.

  • avatar

    Graphic may not be the best but i like it after all

  • avatar

    seems to be challenging, but isn`t. Graphics are nice though.

  • avatar

    Somewhat fun, Somewhat confusing.

  • avatar

    not my kind of game but it was ok

  • avatar

    This game is awesome and amazing, maybe this can be better…

  • avatar

    game is really boring and the graphics aren`t very good

  • avatar

    This is some good programing, Good longer game. points, points and money. not my favorite.

  • avatar

    the gameplay is decent for this game, although the sex scenes are kind of repetetive

  • avatar

    not a bad game but i hoped for a little better

  • avatar

    I have always loved these games

  • avatar

    The game was to slow, the graphics were not good enough to keep interest,

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