Seductive RPG II
Game rating
Comments (51)
Fun game. Not too hard and doesn`t feel too easy
i like this RPG games. good stories mostly, and nice big boobies, hehe
it is a simple but awesome game
the graphics are alright, it is very easy, it really needs some sound during the sex scenes though. all in all, it is a decent game but definitely needs some more work.
This game is far too long. Seductive games are nice, but you can only do each girl once and it gets boring after a while – like a hundred days in game go by just “code, play, sleep, code, play, sleep,” etc.
too long, but is nice… had to worked out
very nice game it is a little slow but it is a very good gome
Not bad but too long, actually
This is an awesome game
very nice game ..such a great graphic…:)
good game but its realy easy to get the girls
this is a pretty good game. suggest an update though
Well, this is a wierd game. If my grammar isn`t good, i`m typing quick.
great game love the art style
Great Gameplay!!!! Very Realistic!! Earn as much as you want and spend it!!!
great game amazing story
really good game the storyline is cool
Poor gameplay !!! I got bored after 5 minutes !!!
Very poor grammar makes it difficult to keep the player interested !!!
I certainly won´t be giving it a second try !!!
This game was quite boring, kind of a challenge to get to the sex scenes
its another great game. Good quality
really like the simple style of graphics. it was a nice game
Simular to many games.
Not very creative.
Average game
after playing games with good graphics its little strange
very good game graphics were good but way to easy woudlve been better with more girls
ohh wow this game is so freaking good anime style love it
best game nice gameplay
This is a great game, nice and simple to understand
It was a fun game, but I`m not sure if it ends/has a point. Like, what exactly is the point?
Had a great time playing it
Doing the smart, classy office lady felt so good :3
Nice game, but it got a lil bit `grindy-boring` soon.
really like the simple style of graphics
best and great game and nice graphic
hot game and nice grpahic
Funny game.
The Walkthrough was very helpfull sometimes,
Thank you
Nice looking new game, liked it.
But i have seen better..
Here`s a step-by-step walkthrough. Note that you need to talk to each woman once before you can fuck her. In this walkthrough, that will mean entering and exiting the bar, trainings, and corporation so that you can chat with the women there twice. This doesn`t take up time as long as you don`t actually perform the action at these places. For what it`s worth, fucking doesn`t take time either, so feel free to go back and fuck any of the women if you are getting bored.
Meeting the woman while walking in the park is a chance encounter so if you don`t meet her twice by the time I did, you should just keep at it. You`ll need mood 60 to fuck Marie in the bar so if you end up fucking the park earlier than you mood is up, play console games at home until you`re there. When you meet the beggar in the park, I`m not sure it matters much if you pay or not. Luck will go up or down depending on if you do, but does luck matter? Depending on how many times you meet and pay the beggar, you may need to freelance/work for yourself more or less times than in this walkthrough to have enough money. Just make sure you keep topping off your mood and sleep everyday (a few all-nighters won`t kill you).
Here`s the walkthrough:
library->read books
home->work as freelancer
fitness club->work out
home->play console
home->play console
fitness club->work out
home->play console
home->play console
fitness club->work out
home->play console
home->play console
fitness club->work out
fitness club->work out
home->play console
fitness club->fuck Dana
library->read books
home->play console
home->play console
library->read books
bar->fuck Marie
home->play console
home->work as freelancer
home->play console
library->read books
library->read books
library->read books
library->read books
library->read books
library->read books
library->read books
library->read books
home->play console
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
home->work as freelancer
club->dance in a club
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
home->work as freelancer
club->dance in a club
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
clothes shop->buy $1000 suit
trainings->fuck Diana
home->play console
home->play console
club->dance in a club
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
home->work as freelancer
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
home->work as freelancer
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
own business->work for yourself
home->work as freelancer
accessories->buy golden watch ($950)
corporation->fuck Jane
i didnt like this, not great graphics, yu can find this kinda games on every site
Sleeping should restore more than one health considering how much health it takes to do things in the game
I fucked all of their pussies 😀
I am so horny now LMFAO
pretty nice game. I know a lot of work goes into making these. A lot of people dis the graphics, and yes I have seen better, but this is not bad.
It`s not terrible, but the sex scenes just aren`t worth the effort it takes to get to them….
it takes a long time and dedication to get barely anywhere
These games take too long and the sex scenes are not good enough to merit the time investment. Play once and move on.
Long game, poor sex scenes. Not worth the time
I don;t get it …don;t like these stats building games it is for the most part contra intuitive.. o well perhaps next time
I love this game the girls are so hot.
good game am enjoying it so far
I have always loved these games
the idea was great but the execution not so much, would love htis in a better game
great game really loved the action