Secrets of Heaven
Game rating
Comments (1210)
nice game! nice vids, good site
Great gameplay got two endings so far is there a threesome in this one?
fun game played it over and over love the lop games
this games story is pretty good if I do say so my self but I`m stuck at the part where your fucking justice and it has the options slow,medeium,and fast.
Nice game. Solid story, good graphics, great looking girls.
a really great game with great graphics
Interesting. Nice graphics.
Amazing game, seriously deserves a 90+ Rating.
A pretty good game not that hard and easy to get the good endings
fun not to hard not to easy just perfect.
this is a super hot and sexy game
ending with sin and justice is fine, the ending with heaven….. is there another story ive missed? nice grapics, would like better and longer scenes. but dont like the police show up after the fucking and leave it hanging
okay this game got me rock hard 3-4 times in a row o.o Great game
enjoyed the gameplay throughout. some more than others though,
I liked the game, but I wish it would have been longer as far as story goes.
Like always you guys amaze me with your graphics and the ability to chose what we want to do and not forcing use to do one thing.
Very good game, wished it had more story lines / play time
Short, but has some good roughs.
Kinda short, but really nice nonetheless.
Awesome game!! Loved the graphics and sexy girl 😮
these game is amazing with great graphics and gameplay
The game has good looking graphics, a interesting story, albeit a short one. Definetly a very good game. Needs a continuation though, the game leaves you wondering what really happened the previous night
PF1 you guys are epic for making such games. Thumbs up. thanks a lot
Nice game, only played through to 2 of the 4 endings but will be returning for more.
It is a little short but then stops the boredom of repeated play through to get all endings.
Not my favorite (too short) but nice anyway
fun game needs to be longer
good graphic, wish for longer stories
Game has good graphics and a great plot. Like many have said though, the game is short, and I wish we were able to learn more about the world cause it looks amazing.
The girls are beautiful and it`s what i think about when I fuck my rather plain looking girlfriend. Thanks for that.
great game with good graphics and sex scenes
Nice game, Heaven looks beautiful but I always have a thing for Redheads… hehe
good graphics, animation is good
graphics are great….gameplay is simple
this games graphics are awesome and this game it awesome
yea this game is way too easy to play through
Justice is served, literally, in this game…. I kinda dig that!
very good game worth playing
Excellent game, wish it was longer however.
MAkein me want to be in the game
Very much enjoying this game , cant get enough
love the chicks and ideas!
Great game with great results very easy to play through
all beautiful woman ! want to kiss all their body
Simple yet great story & ace graphics
forgot my previous password and no password request option.
so, i`ll say again. too short. not enough sex. plot was dull. What little sex there is is good though.
Fun to play and great characters. Was a bit too short. 8/10
Awesome game, great girls and easy to play
Wasn`t really interested in this game. Not enough sex scenes. And make it longer please!
Wasn`t really into this one. Too short. Not enough sexy times. Animation was good, as always, but dull story and no engagement.
great game and nice story
Good scenes,nice animations. Great gameplay