Ryan Blender
Game rating
Comments (746)
this was a really fun game
Nice game, simple and short, but good story
It`s realy great and hot game!
Interesting game, took a while to find all the paths.
Fun game with reasonable character development and a plot with a few good twists.
awesome game and awesome graphics.
great game and hot chicks
The game was so cool
The game was easy
nice game the young girl wth the broken key(sydney?),is definetly my favorite fuck but blue is nice too,jasmine has a bit of old used up whore about her.sydney i like ,a game with her would be NIICEE i think ;).but blue surely knows the art of fucking for sure ,its all in all a good game ,not to hard but i kept hoping there would be an ending where you could call the number that sydney gives you,but 8 out of 10 for this one.good work PFO
new favorite, cant wait to figure out all the other endings
No lesbian stuff, but a pretty fun story. I always like some lesbian stuff.
Very good game. The story is interesting, easy to play, great graphics !
Finding more endings. Don`t care for Jasmine but other two are hot hot.
Ahh, great game. Definitely not a fan of Jasmine, but the other two… Mmmm mmm mmm. Well done.
beautiful graphic…..hot scenes i like ending 2 and 3…very sexy endings
Enjoyed the game. liked the girls and teh graphics, though Jasmine ws a bit annoying (I`d never want her after readign what heppened with her and Ryan.)
amazing game love the graphics
More games like this, or more often
great game, loved it, not too hard.
Great game! Love the girls.
great game one of the best. good graphic
Great game, the only problem is there is a bug with the threesome option, after speaking with the gardener and then going to Jasmine`s house no options appear after the initial dialog.
Lesson of Passion`s games really set the bar high and are the best the site has to offer-along with Kelly of course.
Blue and Sydney were very beatiful and hot. Jasmine not so much.
Nice game butter still can`t match with previous Keeley & Christine version…
Ending 1: Believe em Blue and acuse Mario after talking to him
Ending 2:: Steal the cell phone and go fulfill your promise with jasmine
Ending 3: Steal the cell phone and go give it to Blue
Ending 4: Go to the basement,find the painting and arrest Blue
nice game but poor graphics
awesome quality great game got all endings 😉
it is the most sexiest game, i played in my life.
For those who are not able to fuck the blonde with car repair her key from bar then ask to keep her car until she pays you back then she goes you with office and you can fuck her hard
Love this one. Really felt like a detective and pimp at the same time. However, the only thing i didn`t quite enjoy was the “blowjob” part. I felt as if “i”, as the player, is giving blowjob to the guy (i`m a male player). I think it would feel more sexier if the blowjob scene is from a top down angle so you feel like `you`re” the one getting the blowjob. Other than that, great work!
good and well balanced game one of the best on this site
it is a really great game. and it a good story
great graphics. fun to play. story is good and interesting
defintely one of my favorites! love the girls and the story….. gr8 game!
ooooh great I like it soo muc i will play it every day every month every year this abig game make me hot hahaha my cock now is big
really good game. Great storyline and one I will enjoy playing for a long time to come
highly erotic and hot game….
just going to cum….
all girls are hot…
nice graphics and gameplay
Like the great detailed animation! HOT!!!!
this game was very exciting, got me wet right away
nice game but short and needs better graphics
While the game was entertaining, it wasn`t riveting. The graphics were fairly good but the story dynamics and games play were very formulaic. A little more imagination would have been better for the game.
not a bad story, ok game.
Amazing game, but the animations coyld be better
beautiful game and awesome graphics
1 of the best….. vote for 5 *…….. (y)
Graphics could be a bit better.butStill a good and sexy game.
lol what a nice game
Very good game. Story is good and interesting. Nice one!!!
awesome game gret gurlssss
one of the best game in this period, i enjoyed it a lot
great girls, you`re always the best
great game and great story but the text font is hard to read and kinda ruins it abit also some graphics things and textures.