Rivalries part 1
Game rating
Comments (60)
sharks game are always very good …very seductive, lusty and hot
I had a few problems on the beginning but the rest was great
A good continuation of the babysitter, fun playing with a few gotchas to keep you from blindly clicking from one scene to another.
Good game with various endings to move onto part 2.
one ofthe best date games that I have played
Made my 9 incher really hard.
Always good games the shark`s ones.
I`m waiting for sequel.
Good game, and it looks really promising for the sequel. 😀
If you type “house” you`ll get a hint
I like all of Sharks-Lagoon games this is is really good I like the multi endings. I don`t like the fact that the one female forces herself on you though it is a good plot.
graphics need to be upgraded
very good game waiting for part 2 hope it`s as good as this one
all i can say its amazingly spreading in india
nice looking game awesome graphics
Always love the sharkslagoon games.
Nice game with diff possibilities in endings, nice graphics. Love that kind of game …
elevant comments concerning gameplay, graphic, animation
i love this great great great game
I loved this game can`t wait for to play part 2
What naughty fun, I will play this game again.
Great graphis but hung in hallway.
It`s an okay game, but all the random clicking and holding with minimal action gets very tedious after a while. Here`s hoping part 2 is more action and less pointless click/hold.
@ KOOLGAL : click and drag on her thigh`s, then click and drag on her face, click and drag on her head
This should get you going!!
It took me a while to get the wright finish! Great game! But grafics could be “more realistic”
relevant comments gameplay,graphic,animation
im stuck in this game when they are in the car please help
Sharks, game all his games are reaaly awsome… ikeep making great games
great games , cool story , hot action , bretty girls , and the hot ending
great for shark
good game with nice theme..waiting the part 2.
I love all sharks games I cant to wait next one
I always like sharks games!
good game and good quality
Like always, sharks lagoon brings us a amazing game!
Difficult set of games but the fun makes up for it…
This was a good one. I wish there had been more choices to make, though.
good game, nice graphics
If you get stuck type house. Great game.
graphic is nice but difficult to play
maybe is too complicated or strange…. sooo many times i get stuck for long time…
Great, great game, one of the best.
I loved this game can`t wait for to play part 2
For those stuck when lola arrives try clicking your old proffesor and his wife to make the diolog continue.
Nice looking new game, liked it.
This is a good start. I`m looking forward to part 2!
This games is fun. there is no hard part and its extremely hot
good gameand good quality
Good game , nice graphic.
good game can`t wait for the next part.
the best game ever and great graphics
Awesome grafics,easy game play.Great Quality.Sharks did it again.Can not wait till the second part!