Re:Maid Chapter 1
Game rating
Comments (53)
Slow and too much detailed realism in no involving storytelling…. Did the game really need to get split in parts?
Interesting game, I like the story idea.
I earnestly tried to get into this game, but I`m sorry… too much interminable clicking through text. Which I`ll do for interesting text, but not for this. Found myself wondering why all the pictures of empty rooms and why anime games so often seem determined to cast the player in the role of an annoying virginal doofus, so I guess those were my main barriers.
This game is nice a bit short though can`t wait for part 2
how can i see the endings after resolving the game?
so how do you get the third ending?
it is super hot game nice graphics
i`m really hoping for the full game, i`m interested in all the outcomes.
great game, loved the graphics
Cool to see a visual novel be hosted on a site rather than as a download. Good game though, really enjoyed this glimpse.
Okay game. I really liked the atmosphere and sound effects, and the feeling that the main character is new to Tokyo.
Just like in real life, weaboos/otakus/whatever act like you should know everything about Japan like they do. I know the characters all live in Japan, but it just reminded me of that for some reason, seeing how they throw all these names and places at you that I earnestly know nothing about.
Anyways, it seems the game is incomplete, but I liked everything so far. Wish there was more of a storyline with Erika, but I might have done something wrong or didn`t pursue her enough, etc. Didn`t mind the extensive reading and text, as I actually thought it fleshed out the characters and story more. The main character didn`t seem like a creeper like some others on here think. I thought he came off more like a typical shy/nerdy guy which I assume are most people that play games like this.
umm really guy and girls this game is lame
Some great potential, but a lot of black screens, empty rooms and glitchy images (such as eyes not appearing). Some issues with the text in a few places (such as being told “no more drinks” even though we never had any drinks, or asking if I play the flute even though I said I play tennis or something).
It`s not BAD, but it lacks polish.
That David Bowie reference though (Suffragette city). Stay classy porn game. Stay classy.
Lots of text, but the sex scenes make up for it. I can`t wait for the full version.
Fun game but not enough endings. Also considering the screen shot on the main Playforce page of Hana & Eirca kissing and there are no lesbian scenes I feel cheated. I gave it 70/100. I hope there is a part 2 where the girls get together & the blue haired girl becomes a love intrest.
two questions how to get Hana and Erika to kiss like the preview picture and Ending 3
beautiful graphics especially characters (9/10 for graphics) ,so much of potential, the story is okay, like the sound.
the game is not completed, short, too much of texts and fewer graphics (I meant characters don`t appear much in a lot of scenes, they are just empty with just texts), fewer ending (3), girls assume the guy might be a rapist without a clue (seems a bit prejudice and misandrist), no lesbian scenes, the creators earn a lot of money from donations, but they put less effort on the game so it`s not a good move. so I would rate this like 4/10
seems to be uncompleted, but a nice game so far.
I thought this is a lesbian game but where are lesbian scenes? it seems so short.
Very nice game, if a little short with just three paths currently. Looking forward for the next chapters.
I like the game really nice realistic quality.
Game is really straightforward and simple, could use some more animations but all and all its a great game.
this one is too hot for some people. but not for me 😉
Ok, here`s a quick couple of walkthroughs.
Sex with Hana:
Ask for help
Get this over with
Walk up and say hi
Go brush your teeth
Hi Hana
Ask her what she thinks
Go for it
Order Eggplant Pasta
Tell her you like it
Ask what her favorite part of Tokyo is
Say it`s fine
Tell her the truth
Pay for both
Don`t masturbate
Agree to go
Go for it
==> Leads to rough drunken sex with Hana
Hana doesn`t seem to want to talk to you after this no matter what options you take.
Ask for help
Get this over with
Walk up and say hi
Go brush your teeth
Hi Hana
Ask her what she thinks
Make an excuse
Head into town
Tease her
Tell her she`s cute
Ask her to have a drink
Make fun of her
At this point you can have a drunken BJ or rape her in her sleep
Put blanket over her
==> Leads to a drunken BJ
Accept invitation
Knock on her door
Ask if she`s feelig alright
Compliment her or ask what she means.
Invite to the hanami
Help her undress
Snap a photo
Lift her leg and have a look
It`s not rape if…
Leads to ending 2
Good Straight forward game.
good graphic, not bad at all.
chapter2 coming on dec 30 ?
Lots of dialog. Pretty cool game so far.
I`ve loved the characters, the drawing is amazing & the girls so cute.. I can`t wait to play the second part.
its not that good make it better
I love this game sooo sexy
Not a bad game, the graphics are pretty good but wish there was more animation during the sex scenes.
Graphics are well done, the detailed shading really brings out the curves and contours you`d might miss.
yeah like adragon707 said I also like to see Hana and Erica start dating and our guy starts dating the Blue haired girl in the class. we need more lesbian relationships in games, the typical heterosexual relationships are now a bit boring.
good game but cant find ending 3
cant call this a game, its just a click click clickfest..
It has potential, but I still gave it a bad grade because it`s incomplete. Please don`t start putting demos on your site.
Looks like it will be an indepth game, like one of the Japanese v-novel games that used to get translated. Could be fun once complete, but a lot of story for this portion. Very well done though.
Any one managed other endings than the Hana girl? a walkthrough`d be appreciated just the key points to pursue other endings can`t anywhere withe brunette/roommate
game overall has good graphics but too much reading and clicking
Too much clicking and reading for me. Seems a bit like an ad for a Patreon.
Decent game. Pretty good graphics
I had finish 2 Ending,Cant find the last one
This is one Masterpiece,So into the japan Style..Love it
Game looks interesting, but this demo version is far too short. I`ll try s re-play and see if there`s more to unlock
Fun game. Awsome graphic. Can`t wait for full version.
If I were looking for soooo much reading, I`d take a book…
Nice looking new game, liked it.
not really my type of animation but game is short and quite nice. enjoyed it.
not bad game, great graphics!
simply game…nice graphic