Quick Fuck: Double Take
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Comments (1107)
nice game I seem to be to nice to get both girls :((
tpical lesson of passion. straight to the point though. i liked it
“Great Game” It`s Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love the graphics but game was pretty easy
nice game but a little short
Pretty good, although the part where you have sex with your girlfriend is a bit weird since its a real picture of a girl and an animated guy.
an exciting game. very sexy. though its too short. you gotta make it longer
nice graphics but i wish there were more scenes but in the end great game
Good Game, nice replay value for achievements
Nice game but notr very funny to play using a Citrix-connection
great game, very hot girls
she is beautiful easy on the eyes game was not challenging enough
Excellet game the girls are hot but it is very short
Nice but a little bit short
this is one of my favoret games
Sexy ladies!
Aletta is one of my favorites
Good introduction, leads you astray rather than keeps you loyal.
Good graphic and gameplay. Bonuses for the achievments would be nice
It was ok until the achievement kept popping up
why cant we continue and have sex with the 2nd girl? this should have a continuation…
apart from that, pretty cool
cool graphics it was awsome
great game, but the questian are very easy. good grphics.
wow. i really liked this one 🙂
it`s a very good game but too short
Fun game Aletta is so hot!
this game rules. the girls are so hot
hell yes 2 very hot chicks love it
love those pics the gf is amazing
The gameplay was interactive, which was nice, and I liked that there were different ways it could end, but it would have been nice if getting the different achievements gave a reward, like a picture or something like that.
beautiful girls, nice story, a little short, but still great game
look forward to a second part
this is one very sexy game
really good game, i love it
good game, good graphics, a little bit short.
Great game great graphics and great girls
Thought the animations were a bit rubbish and who wanted to see some guys ass when the shagging started?? grat game
The game is good except for the sex at the end when you can only see the guys ass.
I think this would have been a better with animated girls… gives the creator a lot more versatility
Decent but not as good of a story or interactivity… would love to see something more placed in like items or more things to do.
i really love playing this game
great graphics love the game alleta looks so hot
fun to play and the girls are hot.
i like the game and the gameplay the graphic are alright
graphics werent great but ok
good game with nice graphisme
i wish i could fuck the 2 girls but really it`s a good game
I wish it had a back button for when I blow it (no pun intended) with the second girl. Sucks to start over again… otherwise really good
good graphic really good game funny,just I hope to see more action and
very good game i very like beautiful girls
wonderful game love the pictures.
oh that games sucks specially with that guys ass